Domain Name System (or Service or Server) - an Internet
service that translates domain names into IP addresses.
DNS are the Internet's equivalent of a phone book.
A domain name represents an Internet Protocol (IP) resource,
Google Public DNS - operates recursive name servers for public use
Root Servers - authoritative name servers that serve the DNS root zone.
Root servers - contain the information that makes up the root zone.
The Root Server System consists of over 1000 individual machines.
IANA - is a standards organization (1998) that oversees the global IP addresses allocation, autonomous system number allocation, root zone management in DNS, media types, and other Internet Protocol-related symbols and numbers.
ICANN - is non-profit private organization (1998 in California, USA) responsible for the technical coordination of the Internet's domain name system (DNS) ensuring the network's stable and secure operation.
TLD - TopLevelDomain
Seven generic top-level domains (gTLD)- the domains gov, edu, com, mil, org, net, and int.
WWW - World Wide Web
WWW - an architectural framework for accessing linked documents spread out over millions of machines all over the Internet.
CERN - ConseilEuropéenpourlaRechercheNucléaire
CERN - is a European research organization (1954) that operates the largest
particle physics laboratory in the world.
TimBerners-Lee - a British Scientist who invented WWW in 1989 while working at CERN
Hypertext - idea of having one page point to another
HypertextMarkupLanguage - the markup (formatting) language for the
HTML - Hypertext Markup Language.
Uniform Resource Identifier - kind of “address” that is unique and used to
identify to each resource on the web.
URI - Uniform Resource Identifier.
URL - Uniform Resource Locator
Hypertext Transfer Protocol - allows for the retrieval of linked resources
from across the web.
HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
1990 - The year when the first web page was served on the open internet.
MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - an international
community devoted to developing open web standards.
W3C - World Wide Web Consortium
1994 - the year when Tim found the W3C
2009 - Tim co-founded the World Wide Web Foundation with
The three fundamental technologies (1990) - HTMLURLHTTP
http:// - protocol - domainname
travel/index.html - path
1989 - the WWW began at European Council for Nuclear Research