MetamorphicRocks - are formed formedpreexistingrocks which could be igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic. These preexisting rocks are called parentrocks.
Parent rocks can undergo metamorphism (originating from the Greek word meta, which means change, and morphe meaning form). This can change the overall composition of the rock.
ContactMetamorphism - when magma comes into directcontact with the rock, causing the temperature to rise within the rock.
Regional Metamorphism - happens during mountain building where a very large mass of rocks undergoes immense pressure and heat, causing high-scale deformation
Agents of Metamorphism :
Heat - it is the mostimportantagent of metamorphism. It causes chemical reactions that change the chemical composition of the minerals.
2. Confining Pressure - due to the thick layer of rocks above the buried rocks, it experiences a confining pressure equally from all sides. This makes the mineral more compact and denser.
3. ChemicallyActiveFluids - mostly made up of water and other volatile substances. This fluid is rich in ions that may react with other minerals, causing the recrystallization of minerals.
Metamorphic Textures
Foliated - due to immense pressure, some mineral grains are reoriented and aligned at a right angle. This causes a layered texture.
Non-foliated - this happens when metamorphism is slight, and the parent rocks are composed of a simple chemical composition .