Why did the League fail? It WAS DUMB! Weak – the League's 'powers' were virtually useless. Sanctions did not work (Failed to stop the sale of arms to Italy during the Abyssinian crisis). It had no army. America – the strongest nation in the world never joined. Britain and France were not strong enough to impose peace on their own. Structure – the League was muddled, so it took ages to do anything. Members couldn't agree – but decisions had to be unanimous. This paralysed the League. It was very slow to act (Manchuria). Depression – the world-wide Depression made countries try to get more land and power. They were worried about themselves, not about world peace. Unsuccessful – the more the League failed, the less people trusted it. (Manchuria led to the invasion of the Rhineland). In the end, everybody just ignored it. Members – the League's main members let it down. Italy (Abyssinian Crisis) and Japan (Manchurian Crisis) betrayed the League. France and Britain did nothing to help it. Big bullies – in the 1920s, the League had dealt with weak countries. In the 1930s, powerful countries like Germany, Italy and Japan attacked weaker countries. They were too strong for the League to stop them.