Cards (48)

  • organisms can respond to stimuli for survival
  • nervous system allows body to respond to stimuli and is coordinated by the brain
  • organisms have reflexes
    fast, involuntary actions that protect the body from damage
  • Stimuli
    change in enviroment (internal/external)
  • Receptor
    specialised cells that detect stimuli
  • Effector
    part of the body that produced the response
  • Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal enviroment
  • Homeostasis
    regulations of conditions inside the body
  • Homeostasis includes osmoregulation and thermoregulation
  • Osmoregulation
    control of water levels in the body
  • Thermoregulation
    keeping the body at optimum body temperature (37 degrees C)
  • Nervous systems and hormones both coordinate responses within the body
  • Nervous system does this via electrical impulses so it is very fast
  • Hormones do this with chemicals which is slower
  • Nervous Communications
    • stimulation of receptors in sense organs sends electrical impulses
    • messages carried by electrical impulses along nerves and neurons
    • fast impulses
    • short lived
  • Hormonal Communications
    • endocrine glands produce hormones
    • hormones are carried by plasma to target organs to stimulate change
    • slow as it is carried by plasma
    • long lived
  • Similarities in hormonal and nervous communications
    • chemicals involved
    • requires stimuli receptor, effector
  • Differences in hormonal and nervous communications
    • Nervous is faster, Hormonal slower
    • Nervous is electrical, Hormonal is chemical
    • Nervous is short lived, Hormonal is long lived
  • CNS
    • centre of nervous system
    • receptors in sense organs (eyes ,skin etc) send electrical impulses through nerves to CNS
    • decides a response for stimulus
    • response is created for effectors to carry out response
  • Detailed Process
    • CNS decides the response for a stimulus, which is detected by the receptor
    • Sensory Neurons will carry electrical impulses to CNS to be passed into effector by motor neurons
    • Effector carries out the response
  • Receptors send electrical impulses through nerves when stimulated by a stimulus - the electrical impulse goes to the CNS where a response is decided and then is sent straight back out in electrical impulses through nerves to effector
  • Detailed Process
    • Stimuli is detected by receptors and will stimulate Sensory neurons to send electrical impulses to CNS
    • CNS will pass on impulses to relay neurons across synapse by chemicals
    • Relay Neurons will pass on impulses to Motor neurons which will be carried to the effector
    • Effector will carry out response quickly, allowing for the rapid response
  • Sensory Neurones
    afferent neurones, take nerve impulses from receptors to CNS. → receptors on one end → cell body perpendicular to the axon/dendron → surrounded by myelin sheath
  • Relay Neurones
    found within CNS, link sensory neurones to motor neurones.
  • Motor Neurones
    efferent neurones, take nerve impulses from the CNS to muscle or gland. → cell body at one end of cell → structures that carry a nerve impulse towards the cell body are called dendrites → axon is long thin projection of the cell that takes the nerve impulse away from cell body → surrounded by myelin sheath
  • Synapse
    gap between 2 neurons, where transmission of impulse is chemical rather than electrical → nerve cells are linked together by synapses
  • Neurotransmitter
    chemical substance released at the end
  • Detailed process:
    • electrical impulse is carried along an axon and triggers the nerve ending of a neuron to release neurotransmitters
    • neurotransmitters will diffuse across synapse and bind with receptor molecules on the membrane of the second neuron.
    • receptor molecules on second neuron bind only to specific neurotransmitters released from the first neuron
    • this stimulates the second neuron to transmit an electrical response.
  • Reflex
    fast involuntary action that protects the body from damage
  • Sequence of events when touching hot object:
    • touch hot object (pain receptors stimulated in skin)
    • move your arm away (reflex arc)
    • feel the pain (brain receives the nerve impulses and a conscious sensation of pain is felt)
  • Detailed Process of heat
    • heat(stimulus) is detected by the finger (receptor) and will stimulate sensory neurones to carry electrical impulses to CNS
    • electrical impulses will be carried from CNS to relay neurons which will carry it through the CNS (where response is decided) and carried to motor neurons
    • motor neuron will carry electrical impulses to muscles in the arm (effector)
    • muscles (effector) will contract and will withdraw finger away from hot object (response)
  • Cornea
    transparent convex lens, refracts light
  • Iris
    contains pigment and controls how much light enters pupil
  • Lens
    transparent disc, focuses light on retina
  • Retina
    inner most layer of the wall of the eye, contains rods that detect black and white and cones that detect light
  • Optic Nerve
    connects the eye to the brain, because of sensory neurons that sends impulses between eye and brain
  • Pupil
    hole that allows light to enter the eye to be focused on retina
  • Ciliary muscles
    change the shape of the lens in the eye to help with focusing
  • Eye diagram
  • object is near

    ciliary muscles contracts
    suspensory ligaments slack
    muscle tension on lens low
    lens shaped thicker and more curved