International Marketing is the process of planning and conductingtransactionsacrossnationalboarders to create exchanges that satisfy the objectives of individuals and organizations.
Export - import trade - turnkey operations
Licensing - management contracts
Joint ventures
Wholly owned subsidiaries
Basic tenets of marketing
International marketer is a subject to anew set of macro environmental factors, to different constraints, to quite frequent conflicts resulting from different laws, culture and societies.
Issues in going global
If all these issues are integrated into each decisionmade by individuals and firms, internationalmarkets can be source of growth, profit, satisfaction, needs and quality of life
Firm characteristics
Channel of distribution
Domestic environment (uncontrollable)
Political/legal forces
Economic climate
Competitive structure
Foreign environment (uncontrollable
Cultural forces
Political/legal forces
Economic forces
Competitive forces
Geography and infrastructure
Level of technology
Structure of distribution
Stages of international marketing involvement
1. No-direct foreign marketing
2. Infrequent foreign marketing
3. Regular foreign marketing
4. International marketing
5. Global marketing
No-direct foreign marketing a company in this stagedoesnotactivelycultivatecustomeroutsidenational boundaries
Infrequent foreign marketing - with little or no intention of maintaining continuousmarketrepresentation
Regular foreign marketing - firm has permanentproductive capacitydevoted to the production of goods and services to be marketed in foreign markets
International marketing - at this stage, companies are fullycommitted to and involves in internationalmarketingactivities.
Global marketing - companiestreat the world, including their home market as one market
World trade has given rise to global linkages to markets, technology, living standards the were previouslyunknown and unanticipated
Transnational institutions affecting world trade
i. World trade organizations
ii. International monetary fund
iii. World bank
iv. Regional institution
World trade organizations
> created on January 1, 1995, marked the biggestreform of international trade since the end of world war2\
World trade organizations
> place where member governments try to sort out the trade problem they face with each other
World trade organizations
> 164 member states
World trade organizations
> is the onlyglobalinternationalorganizationdealing with the rule of tradebetweennations
International monetary fund
> conceived in 1944 during the bretton woods conference with 44representative but created in 1945
International monetary fund
> fosterglobal monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainableeconomic growth and reduce poverty around the world.
International monetary fund
> primarypurpose is to ensure the internationalmonetarysystem - system of exchange rates and international payments that enablecountries to transact with each other.
International monetary fund
> fundamentalmission in three ways: surveillance, lending and capacity development
International monetary fund
> 190 member countries
World bank
> is a uniqueglobalpartnershipworking for sustainablesolutions that reducepoverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries
World bank
> 189 member countries
World bank
> initiallyformed in 1944 also duringbretton woods conference to aidcountriessuffering from the destruction of the war
Regional institutions - in a sense, international organization, as they incorporate international membership and encompass geopolitical entities that operationally transcend a single nation state.
Regional institutions
> association of south east Asian nation
> north america free trade agreement
> mercosur
> gulf cooperation council
Exports are special because they can affectcurrency values, the fiscals and monetarypolicies of government, shape public perception of competitiveness and determine the level of imports a country can afford
Foreign direct investment - tends to be concentrated in specific sector, where foreigninvestorsbelieve they are able to contribute the best and benefit the most from theirinvestments
Market characteristics
> population
> income
> consumptionpatterns
> figure themselves must be broken down into meaningful categories in order for marketer to take better advantage of them
> an important variable for the international marketer is the size of the household
> is mostindicative of market potential for most consumer and industrialproducts and services
Consumption patterns
> Engel’s law state that as a family’sincomeincrease, the percentage spent on food will decrease, the percentage spent on housing and household operation will be roughlyconstant, and the amountsaved or spent on other purchases will increase
The Physical Quality of Life Index - is a compositemeasure of the level of welfare in a country. It has 3 components: life expectancy, infant mortality and adult literacy