Digestivesystem's main function is to break down food to provide energy in the body
Stomach contains gastric juices that break down food
Absorption happens in the smallintestine
Diarrhea may result to dehydration
Cellsregenerate and divide
Nucleus is the controlcenter of all the activities of the cell
DNA is the universalblueprint of life
Mitosis occurs in bodycells like skin cells
Meiosis occurs in Reproductivecells like egg cells
GregorJohannMendel developed the laws of inheritance
Mendel stated that physical traits are inherited as "particles" but we're actually chromosomes&DNA
Trait is any characteristic that can be passed from parent to offspring
Heredity is passing of traits from parent to offspring
Genetics is the study of heredity
Monohybridcross is a cross involving a single trait
Dihybridcross is a cross involving two traits
The Punnett Square is used to help solve genetic problems
Alleles is the two forms of a gene
Dominant is stronger of two genes expressed in the hybrid (Capital letter)
Recessive is a gene that shows up less often in a cross (Lowercase letter)
Genotype is the genecombination for a trait
Phenotype is the physicalfeature resulting from a genotype
Homozygousgenotype is a gene combination involving two dominant or two recessive genes
Homozygousgenotype is also called pure
Heterozygousgenotype is a gene combination of one dominant and one recessive allele
Heterozygous genotype is also called hybrid
Dihybrid cross is the inheritance of two traits "law of independent assortment"
Each pair of alleles segregates independently during gamete formation
Biodiversity is variety and diversity of life forms (number of kinds) in an area
Biodiversity increases the stability of an ecosystem and contributes to the health of the biosphere
Biodiversity is the focus of conservation
Extinction is a process that happens when an entire species permanently disappear from the biosphere due to the death of the species last member
A healthyecosystem supports highbiologicaldiversity
A stressedecosystem may not have the capacity to support high biological diversity
Ecological/ecosystem has different habitats, niches, species interactions
Species has different kinds of organisms, relationship among species
Genetic has different genes & combination of genes within populations
Ecosystemdiversity is the collection of all plants and animals within a particular area, each differing and species composition, physical structure and function
Ecosystemdiversity is the variety of ecosystems that are present in the biosphere
Ecosystemdiversity is made up of interacting populations and abiotic factors that support them