
Cards (148)

  • pair of bony cavities, contains eyeball, associated muscles, nerves, vessels, fat, most of lacrimal apparatus
  • Guarded by two thin, movable folds called the eyelids
    Orbital Opening
  • Protect the eye from injury and excessive light by their closure
  • Elliptical opening between eyelids, entrance into the conjunctival sac
    Palpebral Fissure
  • Covered by skin
    Superficial Surface (eyelids)
  • Covered by a mucous membrane called the conjunctiva
    Deep Surface (eyelids)
  • Short, curved hairs on the free edges of the eyelids, arranged in double or triple rows at the mucocutaneous junction
  • Open directly into the eyelash follicles
    Sebaceous Glands (Glands of Zeis) (eyelids)
  • Modified sweat glands that open separately between adjacent lashes
    Ciliary Glands (Glands of Moll)(eyelids)
  • Long, modified sebaceous glands that pour their oily secretions
    Tarsal Glands
  • rounded medial angle is separated from the eyeball by a small space
    Lacus Lacrimalis
  • center of the lacus lacrimalis, which is a small, reddish yellow elevation
    Caruncula Lacrimalis
  • A reddish semilunar fold
    Plica Seminularis
  • Small elevation near medial angle of eye
    Papilla Lacrimalis
  • Small hole on summit of papilla
    Punctum Lacrimale
  • A thin mucous membrane that lines the eyelids
  • Groove beneath the eyelid, trap small foreign particles and clinically important
    Subtarsal Sulcus
  • Fibrous sheet forms framework of the eyelids
    Orbital Septum
  • Sphincter muscle responsible for closing eyelid & dilating lacrimal sac, causes “crow’s feet” wrinkles, allows squint/wink the eye
    Orbicularis Oculi
  • Closes lids TIGHTLY
  • Closes lids GENTLY
  • Compresses lacrimal sac
    Deep Palpebral
  • Elevate upper eyelid, open the eye, arises from lesser wing of sphenoid
    Levator Palpebrae Superioris
  • 2 groups of head muscle (levater palpebrae superioris)
    Extraocular & Facial Muscles
  • Indirect elevation & retraction of upper eyelid
    Extraocular Muscles
  • Array of facial expressions
    Facial Muscles
  • Eyelids are closed by
    Contraction of orbicularis oculi & relaxation of LPD
  • Eye is opened by
  • Looking upward by
    LPS contract
  • Looking downward by 

    • Superior & Inferior rectus
    • Medial & Lateral rectus
    • Superior & Inferior oblique

    Extrinsic Muscles of Eyeball (striated skeletal muscle)
    • Sphincter & Dilator pupillae of iris
    • Ciliary muscle

    Intrinsic Muscles of Eyeball (smooth muscle)
  • Raises cornea upward & medially
    Superior rectus
  • Depresses cornea downward & medially
    Inferior rectus
  • Rotates eyeball so cornea looks medially
    Medial rectus
  • Rotates eyeball so cornea looks laterally
    Lateral rectus
  • Rotates eyeball so cornea looks downward & laterally
    Superior oblique
  • Rotates eyeball so cornea looks upward & laterally
    Inferior oblique
  • Constricts pupil
    Sphincter pupillae of iris
  • Dilates pupil

    Dilator pupillae of iris