christanity pratices

Cards (41)

  • luturgical worship
    is a church service that follows a set structure
  • non-liturgical worship
    is a church service that does not follow a set text or ritual
  • informal worship
    is a type of non - luturigal worship that is spontaneous in nature
  • private worship
    is when belivers praise or honour god in their own home
  • why do Christians worship
    to praise and thank god , to ask for forgiveness , to seek gods help for themselves or others , to deepen their relationship with god and strengthen their faith
  • worship
    is the act of religious praise, honour and devotion - a way for Christians to show their deep love and honour to god
  • prayer
    is communicating with god, either silently or through words of praise, thanksgiving or confession, or requests for gods help or guidance
  • set prayers
    that have been written down and said more than once by more than one person e.g the lords prayer
  • informal prayer
    made up by an individual using his or her own words
  • importance of prayer
    gives sense of peace, enables Christians to talk and listen to god, helps to keep a close relationship with god
  • sacraments
    are holy rituals through which believers receive a special gift of grace
  • baptism
    is the ritual through which a person becomes a member of the church.
  • infant baptism
    is for the babies and young children
  • believers baptism
    is for the people who are old enough to understand the significance of the ritual
  • holy communion
    is the sacrament that uses bread and wine to celebrate the sacrifice of jesus on the cross and his resurrection
  • pilgrimage
    is a journey made by a believer to a hoy site for a religious reasons
  • through baptism a person becomes
    a member of the Christian Church
    Enters new life Is cleansed of sin
    5. Becomes a child of God
    6. Receives God's saving grace and the Holy Spirit
  • Why go on a pilgrimage?

    • Meet others who share the same faith
    • Experience a holy place
    • Help other pilgrims who are disabled or ill
    • Grow closer to God
    • Strengthen faith in God
    • Be forgiven for sin
    • Reflect on one's life
    • Seek a cure for illness
    • Thank God for a blessing
  • Impact of pilgrimage
    • Give them a better understanding of their faith
    • Renew their enthusiasm for living a Christian life
    • Help them to see problems in a new light
    • Help them to feel cleansed from sin
    • Help them to feel more connected to the Christian community
    • Give them a good feeling about helping other pilgrims who are disabled or ill
  • Places of Christian pilgrimage
    • Lourdes (a town in France)
    • Iona (an island off the coast of Scotland)
  • Lourdes
    • Where Mary is said to have appeared in a number of visions to a young girl called Bernadette
    • Mary told Bernadette to dig in the ground, and when she did a spring of water appeared
    • The water is believed to have healing properties, and a number of healing miracles are claimed to have taken place here
  • Activities at Lourdes
    • Pilgrims go to Lourdes to bathe in the waters of the spring, or to help other pilgrims who are ill or disabled to bathe in the waters
    • Pilgrims also pray for healing or forgiveness
    • They may recite the rosary together
  • Activities on Iona
    • Pilgrims can attend services in the abbey church, take part in workshops, and visit the island's holy or historic sites
  • Street Pastors
    • Adult volunteers are trained to patrol the streets in urban areas
    • The main aim originally was to challenge gang culture and knife crime in London
    • The focus then widened to responding to drunkenness, anti-social behaviour and fear of crime
    • Street Pastors work closely with police and local councils
    • They listen to people's problems, advise on where they might get help, and discourage anti-social behaviour
  • Christmas
    commemorates the incarnation of Jesus- god became human in Jesus celebrated- lights, nativity scenes, carol services Christmas cards and gifts , giving to charity
  • easter
    is the most important Christian festival which celebrates Jesus rising from the dead
  • a church
    is a building in which christens worship
  • food banks
    give food for free to people who cannot afford to buy it
  • Individual churches
    • Educate people about Christianity (e.g. Bible study groups)
    • Are meeting places for prayer and worship
    • Provide activities for younger people (e.g. youth clubs)
    • Are places where Christians can socialise and obtain spiritual guidance
  • Sources of non-perishable food donations
    • Churches
    • Supermarkets
    • Schools
    • Businesses
    • Individuals
  • Aim of food banks
    To bring religious and non-religious people together to help end poverty
  • Ways the Church supports the local community
    • Supports local projects such as food banks
    • Provides social services such as schooling and medical care
    • Helps those in need
    • Campaigns for justice
  • the trussell trust
    runs over 400 food banks in the uk - provides emergency food help and support to people in crisis in the uk
  • agape
    unconditional love
  • a mission
    a calling to spread the faith
  • christains spread the faith through evangelism
    showing faith in jesus by example or by telling others
  • the great commissions
    jesus gave great commision to his disciples to spread the gospel and make disciples of all nations through baptism
  • all christains have a duty to spread the gospel and tell others of their faith but some become missionaries or evangelists
  • missionaries and evangelists
    people who promote Christianity, for example by going to foreign countries to preach or do charitable work
  • reconciliation
    restoring harmony after relationships have broken down