Cards (23)

    1. Specific
    2. Measurable
    3. Achievable
    4. Realistic/relevant
    5. Time bound
    1. Interesting - can attracts the attention of the investigator to study the problem
    2. Relevant to the needs of the people - researchers must keep in mind that they work not for themselves but for the people
    3. Innovative - a good research problem may not be necessarily new. It may be a restatement and restructuring of an old problem to make it new
    4. Cost-effective - the 4m's (man, money,materials and machinery)
    5. Measurable and time-bound - a good research problem is measurable by using instruments. Research can be completed within time frame stated
  • Acknowledgement - is another preliminary section of a research paper, thesis, and dissertation. It is in this section that the researcher expresses his gratitude to the different person who assisted, facilitated and guided him to make his research work a reality  
  • Acknowledgement - It is in this section that the researcher expresses his gratitude to the different person who assisted, facilitated and guided him to make his research work a reality
  • Table of Contents - several research paper , thesis, and dissertation, have a title of "CONTENTS" as "TABLE OF CONTENTS". The page number of contents is indicated at the bottom in a small roman numeral, for instance iv, and the succeeding pages are indicated along the right hand margin in roman numerals. These videos are indicated from the top right hand margin
  • Time-Bound - time frame is required in every activity because the shorter completion of the activity the better
  • Realistic/ Relevant - real results are not manipulated
  • Measurable - it is easy to measure by using research instruments in collecting data
  • Specific - the problem should be specifically stated
  • Research Objectives - it is a statement of purpose for which the investigation is to be conducted. The research objectives are stated specifically in simply language in order that the researcher finds them easy to measure.
  • Research Problem - defined as an area of concern that requires a meaningful understanding of a specific topic, a condition, a contradiction, or a difficult
  • Interesting - can attracts the attention of the investigator to study the problem
  • Relevant to the needs of the people - researchers must keep in mind that they work not for themselves but for the people
  • Innovative - a good research problem may not be necessarily new. It may be a restatement and restructuring of an old problem to make it new
  • Cost-effective - the 4m's (man, money,materials and machinery) are needed in conducting research. It should be economical and effectivein solving the problem of the society
  • Measurable and time-bound - a good research problem is measurable by using instruments. Research can be completed within time frame stated
  • Research Problem - is a question that a researcher wants to answer or a problem that a researcher wants to solve
  • Abstract - is a brief and concise descriptive summary of statement of the problem, hypothesis, significance of the study, research design, determination of sample size
  • Approval Sheet - is the second page of a research paper
  • Title Page - is the first page of a research paper, thesis, or dissertation but the number page is not indicated
  • Achievable - by using correct statistical techniques to arrive at precise result
  • Dedication - is the writer's personal acknowledgement indicating his or her appreciation and respect for significant individuals in the writer's life
    1. Title page
    2. Approval sheet
    3. Acknowledgement
    4. Dedication
    5. Table of contents
    6. List of figures and list of tables
    7. Abstract