
Cards (20)

  • Coordinate system

    A system that uses coordinates to establish positions
  • The Philippine geographic coordinate is 13°0'0"N; 122°0'0" E
  • Longitude
    Vertical lines from east to west of the prime meridian
  • Latitude
    Horizontal lines from north or south of the equator (0)
  • Equator
    It separates the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere
  • The maximum latitude degree is only 90° above and below the equator
  • The maximum longitude degree is 180 degrees at west and east
  • Hemisphere
    Half of a sphere, globe, or celestial body
  • The Eastern Hemisphere contains
    • Asia
    • Europe
    • Africa
    • Australia
  • The Western Hemisphere contains

    • Americas
    • Oceania
  • Prime Meridian
    The line of 0 longitude that stretches from north pole to south pole
  • The location of the Philippines is Zone 51 North 120° East, 126° East longitude, Central meridian of 123 East longitude
  • World Time Zone Map
    Designates the different standard time zones observed in each country
  • UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator)

    Global projection that divides the earth into 60 zones of 6 degrees each
  • Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

    The time zone that runs through the UK, France, Spain, Algeria, Mali, and Ghana
  • Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)

    The time zone that is 0 degrees east and west of the Greenwich meridian
  • GPS (Global Positioning System)

    A network of orbiting satellites that send details of their position in space back to earth
  • Navigation devices are used to calculate the exact position, speed, and time at the vehicle location
  • GPS was first invented by the US for military uses
  • Continent
    One of Earth's main divisions of land mass