The state of controlled and reversible unconsciourness characterised by lack of pain sensation (analgesia), lack of memory (amnesia) and relatively depressed reflex responses.
What are the reasons for anaesthesia:
Prevent awareness of pain.
Immobilisation of patient
Legal, protection of animals act 1964.
Advantages of general anaesthesia:
rapid loss of consciousness.
Facilitates surgical field.
Disadvantages of general anaesthesia:
Stressful restrain
LA (topical)= desensitisation is produced only at or near site of application.
Advantages of LA: No/little cardiovascular depression.
ASA I: normal healthy patient
ASA II: a patient with mild-systemic disease
ASA III: a patient with moderate to severe systemic disease
ASA IV: Patient with severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to life
ASA V: A extreme risk and patient is not expected to survive.
Aims of pre-meds:
Calm the patient
Reduce anxiety
Reduce amount of induction agent
reduce amount of maintenance agent
provides analgesia
what occurs during induction of anaesthesia:
I/V catheter placement.
Endotracheal intubation.
monitor TPR
monitor level of consciousness
Monitoring techniques- used to assess cardiovascular system.