christianity practices p.2

Cards (88)

  • disadvantages of infant baptism
    -in believers baptism minister asks person if they are willing to commit to jc , baby or child is unable to do thi
    -parents make decision for you,child has no say
    -children are not old enough to explain why they want to be christian and devote their life or even have understanding of a 'christian path'
    -Jesus himself had a believers baptism 'and when Jesus had been baptised just as he came up from the waters' -goes against the reenacement of the sacrament Jesus took part in
  • believers baptism also known as adult?
    -all denominations practice this
    -pentecostals believe baptism should only occur when someone is an adult as then individual can accept christianity for themselves
  • how is believers baptism carried out?

    -white clothes worn as a sign of new life about to begin
    -testimony read from person to be baptised and explanation of why they believe and why they are seeking baptism
    -candidate then walks down steps into pool and is fully submerged 3 times
    -minister then baptises person 'in the name of the father son and the Holy Spirit ' as Jesus taught
    -person leaving pool symbolises end to their old life of sin and separation to god
    -they then start their new life as gods service
  • pros of believers baptism
    -understanding of this personal commitment towards god
    -christian has an explanation for baptism
    -Jesus had a believers baptism and taught it
    -some christians believe adults have lived through sin and baptism and water signifies purifying yourself and erasing past life
    -end of new life and turning back to jc
    -marks a beginning of a new journey of faith where follower can physically and emotionally worship god
  • cons of believers baptism
    -the christian belief we are born with og sin means it won't be washed away until later in life
    -loss of christian upbringing
    -if that person dies they may go to hell as og sins and current sins have not been washed away and they haven't undergone purification
  • eucharist ?
    -one of the sacraments recognised by all denominations
    -one of the sacraments prescribed by Jesus
    -also known as holy communion , the lords supper and the breaking of bread and mass
    -remembers the last meal Jesus shared with his disciples, remembering of his death and the sacrifice and miracle of his resurrection
  • importance of eucharist
    giving thanks to god for sending Jesus to save people from sin
  • how is the eucharist performed
    celebrated using bread and wine , symbolises the literal body and blood of christ
  • contrasting ways the eucharist is celebrated 1
    Catholics and orthodox believe in transubstantiation , where the bread and wine becomes the actual flesh and blood of jc
    • entails the reanacement of the sacrifice of Jesus
    • he holds a physical presence during the sacrament
    • strengthens faith and relationship with jc
  • contrasting ways eucharist is celebrated 2
    anglicans methodists Church of England christians believe in CONSUBSTANTIATION
  • symbols of saraments
    -water = new life healing holy purification washing away of sin
    -bread and wine=body and blood of christ
    -in baptism priest gives lit candle to guardians to keep for child =symbolises receiving light of christ
    -infant is anointed with oil as a sign of strength and salvation
  • contrasting ways eucharist is celebrated 3
    baptists do not believe in transubstantiation
    -they believe bread and wine are symbols that can be used to bring the christian community together
    -uses of non alcoholic wine and bread is offered from person to person
    -god is present through christians coming together he holds a real presence
    -Jesus commands the ceremony himself
  • pros of the eucharist
    -commanded by Jesus himself , only sacraments prescribed in the gospel
    -strengthens faith
    -brings christian community together
    -brings you closer to god
    -baptists believe god is present and Jesus commands ceremony himself therefore improves religious faith
  • key festivals
    -easter palm sunday
    -maundy Tuesday
    -good Friday
    -celebrates birth of Jesus
    -festival day not fall on Jesus' actual birthday
    -different denominations celebrate on different dates
    -protestant and catholics celebrate 25th December
    -othodox celebrate 6th january
    -christmas means Christs mass , celebration of the birth of Jesus
  • how is Christmas celebrated
    -church services with carols ,prayers on Christmas Eve /christmas and a sermon
    -day to thank god for the gift of Jesus
    -in the uk lots of non religious people and people of other faiths have parties with food and gifts on Christmas
    -christmas churches run events for those in need over Christmas period ,idea to spread love and peace ,provides temporary shelter for homeless and food
  • easter
    It marks the Resurrection of Jesus three days after his death by crucifixion. 
    -easter begins with lent which is the 40 day period leading up to the day of resurrection
    -week leading up to the resurrection is known as Holy Week ,where there are special services held in church across the week
  • how easter is celebrated 1
    -Palm Sunday also known as eastersunday refers to when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey
    -people nowadays show their love to christ by waving palm branches
    -crosses are also given out during services and some churches even hold a vigil of Saturday evening
    -chocolate eggs are given and eaten to symbolise new life
  • signifnace of Easter Sunday 1
    Easter Sunday is a day of joy celebrate what god has done for humanity
  • how is easter celebrated 2
    -good Friday , the day where Jesus cruxifction and resurrection took place
    -day of fasting and where churches hold services during afternoons at a similar time to which Jesus died 3pm
  • significance of good Friday
    series of 14 stops , reminding christians of the events that Jesus endured during the final day
  • significance of easter
    -helps christians remember the sacrifice of Jesus through his resurrection and cruxiction
    -acts as a reminder that god loves them so much he was willing to suffer and die on the cross , hope of external life and salvation
  • pilgrimage
    journey that has religious or spiritual significance, usually to a holy site or sacred place
    -not compulsory in christianity
  • why do people carry out pilgrimage
    -act of worship and devotion
    -to get closer to god and strengthen faith
    -feel gods presence and build as individuals spirituality
    -to seek healing
    -to be inspired by religious figures or saints from the past
    -to seek guidance and wisdom
    -visitation of Jerusalem where there are places which relate to the life and death of Jesus
    -ask god for forgiveness
    -strengthens christian community by meeting others with the same faith
    -deep sense of peace and gods love
  • eg of pilgrimages
    lourdes France
    -town in south western France
    -famous pilgrimage site where waters are believed to have healing powers
  • eg of pilgrimages
    iona scotland
    -quiet island in Scotland where a monastery was built by Columbia
    -described as the birthplace of christianity in Scotland
    -saints have lived and prayers are believed to have been answered
    -able to join a weekly pilgrimage walk which lets you enjoy natural beauty and fresh air , bringing you close to god
    -they can go there to study Bible and pray
  • importance Lourdes France
    -belief in 1850 young local christian girl Bernadette soubrious , who was said to have seen the Virgin Mary at Lourdes
    -her friend said was said to have been healed in the waters
    -water is taken home
    -many people are healed from water ,facing miraculous healings said to have taken place in Lourdes France
    -many sick /disabled people visit Lourdes each year
  • why Lourdes France
    -be cleansed from sin
    -bathe in water to symbolise baptism
    -some go to pray where miracles have taken place as they believe god is spiritually there
    -feel religious atmosphere
    -praise god for his omnipotence
    -have a vision/religious experience
  • why Iona Scotland
    -spiritual growth
    -lets you physically see gods creation
    -inner peace
    -increased knowledge of history
    -enjoying natures beauty
  • criticisms of pilgrimage
    -not compulsory in christianity
    -money could be spent helping the poor or needy instead of travel
    -crowded with visitors
    -commercialised site with souvenirs and statues
  • church
    -gods community on earth and known as 'body of christ',as its a living entity just as a body is
    -christ is the head and founder of the church
  • how church helps /members help
    -Jesus spent Time helping those in need and christians should try reflect Jesus' deeds in their actions
    --churches can provide support and help those who are lonely-they can run youth groups giving a place for local children to partipate-sometimes provide help and advice for those who need it, members of church sometimes volunteer for local charities-churches can run food banks -can volunteer as street pastors ,going out at night to care for those in need or risk of harm
  • church and the local community
    -putting christian faith into action by helping others
    -offering help+ support to those in need eg food banks street pastors
    -provides rites of passage,wedding,baptisms and funerals
    -youth groups to help younger gen
    -running regular services allowing the church to be used for quiet reflection
    -to raise money for local charities and join them
    -street pastors go out and help those in need and risk of harm
  • food banks
    -providing food for those who are struggling and individuals who cannot afford to buy food
    -churches that provide food banks are organisations inspired by christianity
    -care and showing love
  • street pastors
    trained volunteers from local churches who care about the community
  • why church members help the community by food banks and streetpastors
    -christians are inspired by the words of the bible,where Jesus taught that by helping anyone in need you are showing love for god
    -Jesus said 'love thy neighbour and love your neighbour as yourself', therefore it is a commandment to care for others by providing food., it shows practical love and sincerity for the vulnerable
  • why church members help the community 2
    -imitating christs example , Jesus acts a role model healing and caring for the sick, he fed 5000 hungry people, christians should attempt to reflect Jesus' good deeds and his actions as he spent his time helping others
    -CONCEPT OF STEWARDSHIP- recognising all resources and blessings come from god, as his creation we have responsibility to use these resources wisely, sharing them with others who are less fortunate
    -parable of the sheep and goat, those in needs should be helped
  • why church help the community 3
    -church is a community which is the collective responsibility of all christians to help others
    -you as a christian cannot turn a blind eye to those in needs , faith alone is not enough, action is needed
  • why church helps the community 4
    -christians are taught the concept of agape , they must love and care for others, avoid selfishness and encourage consideration
    -christianity teaches those who help others will be rewarded in heaven, as u are followings christs teachings of showing compassion , serving local community fulfils this commandement
  • examples of christians helping
    1. trussel trust
    christian organisation who helps to provide food for those in need, supports a network of over 1,200 food banks centres, providing emergency food