nitrogen is stored in the biosphere as DNA, proteins, dead organic matter
nitrogen is stored in the atmosphere as nitrogen and oxides of nitrogen
nitrogen is store in the lithosphere as soil and rocks
nitrogen is stored in the hydrosphere as dissolved nitrates and ammonium ions
ionisation is when processes such as lighting or meteor trails provide energy for atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen to react producing oxides of nitrogen
nitrogen fixation is when some microorganisms (nitrogen fixing bacteria) chemically reduce nitrogen to Ammonia
nitrogen passes between organisms as amino acids and proteins in food
nitrification involves oxidation of ammonium ion to nitrites to nitrates by nitrifyingbacteria
denitrification is chemical reduction of nitrates in soil to nitrogen and nitrogen oxides gases
denitrifying bacteria in soil reduces soil fertility, this normally occurs under anaerobic conditions
leaching is when nitrates in the soil are leached out of the soil in water bodies due to an increased solubility
nitrates act as nutrients for aquatic plants and algae
plants absorb nitrogen as soluble ions, mostly as nitrates and ammonium ions
ammonification is when the amino acid groups in proteins are released as ammonium ions by bacteria action, fungi and detritovores as they decompose dead organic matter
haber process is an industrial process to produce ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen using an iron catalyst at a high temperature and high pressure
Haber process' main purpose is to manufacture agriculturalfertilisers
human use of nitrogen is agriculture, humans make use of nitrate fertilisers, however this may increase leachate problems such as eutrophication
drainage of water makes soil more aerobic, this increases the number of aerobicnitrifyingbacteria and decreases the number of anaerobic denitrifying bacteria
soil disturbance such as ploughing increases rate of decomposition of dead organic matter, this released more nitrous oxide gas into the atmosphere
leguminous plants can be grown to increase levels of nitrogen compounds in soil, which crops absorb
control of combustion processes: reduction in the use of fossil fuels reduces nitrous oxide releases
reduction is fossil fuels can be caused due to a depletion of fossil fuel sources
adoption of principles of circular motion involves increase in low temperature manufacturing processes
control of oxides of nitrogen releases involves using less post-combustion processes such as catalytic converters and urea sprays
management of biological waste: decomposition of biological waste involves ammonium ions as amino acids are de-aminated
enzymes produced by bacteria in biological waste remove amine groups which dissolve ammonium ions
eutrophication can be caused by biological wastes washing into water by runoffs or deliberate dumping
wastes such as manure, sewage , food production can be used as organic fertilisers to increase nutrient and humus levels
managemnet of soil processes involve: cultivation of legumes crops, crop rotation, control of nitrate leaching n