Schools sort and select the most appropriate pupils into different roles/jobs, according to their effort or talent.
Criticism towards Functionalist view on Education.
Marxists argue that education works in the interests of the rich.
Functionalism downplays the negative aspects of school, e.g. bullying, misogyny, racism and classism in education.
Feminists question the functionality of schools, mirroring a patriarchalsociety.
Bowles and Gintis
Cultural Capital - Bourdieu
Having the skills and attitudes needed to succeed.
Criticism towards Marxist view on Education.
Meritocracy is not a complete myth - Many w/c pupils succeed.
Not everything are set up to benefit capitalism
Sue lees
Feminist view of the role of education:
Education system maintains and justifies gender inequality.
Schools are patriarchal and reflecting patriarchal system in wider society, e.g. schools run by men and in favour of men.
Gender subjects, e.g. engineering=boys, Food tech=girls. -> Education legitimises patriarchy and teaches women & girls to accept their position in society.
Francis views on Education:
Argues that one way in which girls are side lined at school is through boys domination of space and time and attentions of teachers.
For example:
Far more space given to boys playing football than any girls activities.
Louder in the classroom, demanding more teacher attention.
Sue lees views on education:
Argues that schools are a key place where patriarchy and sexual control begins.
'Sexual double standards' -> When similar sexual behaviours are evaluated differently depending on whether a man or a woman performed them.
For example: Girls who flirt are criticised, whilst boys are often praised for the same behaviour.
Criticism towards Feminist views on Education:
In the last 30 years, girls have outperformed boys at school.
Pre-judging a person by attaching a meaning to them.
Self-fulfilling prophecy (SFP)
When an expectation or belief influence your behaviour, causing the belief to come true.
Becker's view on education (Interactionalist)
He said teachers label students according to the 'Ideal Pupil'.
Middle class are seen as the closest to the Ideal pupil, whilst Working class are the furthest.
'Ideal Pupil'
Pupils that workhard, behaves well and look/dresses smart.
Hidden Curriculum
What we learn in school, but not in lessons. e.g. Socialisation in norms and values, such a obedience and gender roles.