
Cards (35)

  • particles that are smaller than atom = subatomic level
  • particle of matter that uniquely defines a chemical elements = Atom
  • made up of two or more atoms = molecule
  • large molecules created from repeating subunits = macromolecule
  • little organ = organelles
  • basic unit of life that is responsible for all life's procedure = cell
  • group of cells = tissue
  • four types of tissue = epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous
  • 'organum' = organ
  • collection of tissues = organ
  • 'organum' means = instrument / tool
  • group of organs that work together = organ system
  • living system that function as an individual life form = organism
  • group of organism that live together in the same area = population
  • "biological community" group of various species interacting in the same location at the same time = communities
  • geographic area where plants, animals, and other organism work together to form a bubble life = ecosystem
  • a group of similar ecosystems = biomes
  • global ecosystem = biosphere
  • credited with the invention of the first compound microscope = zacharias janssen
  • created telescope with his father = zacharias janssen
  • one of the first two scientist = Robert Hooke
  • robert hooke discover microorganisms in = 1665
  • who wrote micrographia = Robert Hooke
  • micro = small
    graphia = drawing
  • "father of microiology" = antonie van leeuwenhoek
  • found motile objects = antonie van leeuwenhoek
  • circa late 1600's = microscope
  • called bacteria as = animalcules (AVL)
  • professor of botany at the university of Jena, Germany = matthias jacob schleiden
  • different types of plants = matthias jacob schleiden
  • professor of physiology at the university of Louvain, Belgium = theodor schwann
  • defining cell as the basic unit of animal structure = theodor schwann
  • cofounder with matthias of the cell theory = theodor schwann
  • latin word "cella" = cell
  • disproved spontaneous generation theory = francisco redi