The anointed one who Jews believe will bring in a newera/age for humankind
The Messiah
He will be born and have the authority of God
Peaceful ruler/peace that lasts forever
Will rulejustly over the world
Beliefs about the Messiah
Jews are still waiting for the Messiah
Christians believe Jesus was the Messiah
Celebration of the incarnation- God became human
1. Allows Christians to prepare for Christmas
2. Traditionally, Christians used to fast during advent
3. Now people use advent calendars/candles to count down
Christmas traditions
Giving gifts
Lighting candles
Candle shows what God is like
Cocktail sticks show the corners of the world
Red tape shows God's love
The orange represents the world
The Trinity
The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit
The Son
Immanent (God of the world)
Saviour of humanity
Came to Earth to teach by example
Compared to water - water is used to clean ourselves
God, the son died on the cross to cleanse Christians of their sins
Corporate worship - Christians gather together in the Church
Individual worship - allows you to have a personal relationship with God
Prayer is direct access to God - Protestant
Jesus was God, incarnated - God made flesh or God in human form
Mary, Jesus' mother, was told by an angel that she would give birth to a child named Jesus
Sacraments - outward signs of inwardgrace
Ritual through which people become members of the Church
Involves water as a symbol of the washingaway of sin
Types of Baptism
Believers' Baptism - people oldenough to understand the ceremony
Infant Baptism - baptism of babies/children by the promise of their parents
Jesus' greatestmiracle, he resurrected on EasterSunday
Bread - body, wine - blood, celebration
Maundy Thursday
The last supper
Good Friday - Jesus was arrested for blasphemy/claiming to be King, wore a crown of thorns, carried his cross to Golgotha, was nailed to it and died. SOW "It is finished"
1. Ash Wednesday - when Jesus went into the desert