Sociology Paper 1 + 3 Debates

Cards (17)

  • Values
    This concept:
    - the ideas, beliefs, and attitudes about what is important that help guide the way you live.
    - All members of society have these.
  • Objective
    This term:
    - NOT influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts
  • Subjective
    This term:
    - based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions
  • Classical Sociologists
    These Sociologists:
    - Comte and Durkheim
    - Argued that with positivist methods, society can be studied objectively, without bias.
    - Uncovers social facts.
    - Also includes Karl Marx
    - Part of the Enlightenment
  • Enlightenment Period
    This period:
    - a movement that emphasized science and reason as guides to help see the world more clearly.
    - Largely based on science and objective research.
    - Marx, Durkheim and Weber were writing at this time.
  • Max Weber
    This sociologist:
    - Made the distinction between value judgement and facts.
    - Values are part of the research process, e.g. deciding what to research.
    - BUT argued that data collection and interpretation SHOULD remain objective.
  • Weber's 4 stages of values in research
    The stages are:
    1. Values as a guide.
    2. Data collection and hypothesis (SHOULD BE OBJECTIVE)
    3. Values in the interpretation of data.
    4.Values as a citizen - We have a moral duty.
  • View of Value freedom
    This view:
    - The idea that the beliefs and prejudices of a researcher should not influence the way research is carried out and evidence interpreted.
    - Sociologists should remain morally neutral.
    - Positivist hold this view
  • View of Value laden

    This view:
    - The idea that values in research is inevitable.
    - Interpretivists such as Weber argue this.
  • Committed sociology
    These Sociologists:
    - Use research and their values, and are committed to improving the lives of who they research.
    E.g. Marxist (On the side of proletariat)
    - Feminist (Fighting for gender equality)
    - Interactionist (Side of the underdog, those that are labelled negatively)
  • Gouldner
    This sociologist:
    - Argues from a MARXIST perspective.
    - Sociologists should be COMMITTED to ending oppression.
    - Criticises BECKER view of the underdog, instead of describing the life of the underdog, sociologists should be committed to changing their lives.
  • Becker
    This sociologist:
    - Argues from a INTERACTIONIST perspective
    - 'Who' side are we on'?
    - Classical sociologists take the side of the powerful, instead WE should take the side of the underdog (criminals, those labelled, mental patients, etc).
    - His research was on 'THE OUTSIDERS'
    - As less is known about these groups, research MUST tell their story to readdress the balance.
  • Postmodernist
    These Sociologist:
    - Take a RELATIVIST view - there is diverse views (and values) in the world all equally valid.
    - Argued that ALL sociologists have competing views (more than one version of the truth)
    - All traditional sociologists are META-NARRATIVES.
  • Feminist
    These Sociologists:
    - Hold the value that society is PATRIARCHAL.
    - Actively committed to promoting the rights of women.
  • Functionalists
    These Sociologists:
    - Hold the value that society is based on CONCENSUS (an agreement on values)
    - BUT argue that this can be studied OBJECTIVELY.
    - They tend to take the side of the establishment by using official statistics (using methods that produce facts that reflect their values).
    - E.G. Durkheim
  • Marxist:
    These Sociologists:
    - Hold the value that society is based on CLASS INEQUALITY.
    - Committed to uncover inequality and promotes the movement to a classless society.
  • Relativism
    This viewpoint:
    - Different groups cultures, and individuals - including sociologists- have different views to what is true. Each view the world in their own way.
    - There is no independent way of judging whether any one view is truer than any other.
    - This view states there is NO OBJECTIVE truth - rather there is more than one (plural truths).