a musculomembranous tube shaped like an inverted cone; have 3 circular contrictors and 3 longitudinal elevators
cranial base; lower border of cricoidcartilage
the pharynx extends from the __________ to __________
branches of external carotid artery (ascending branches of the facial a., maxillary a., and lingual a.)
blood supply of the pharynx
nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx
the pharynx communicates with the nasal, oral, and laryngeal cavities via:
soft palate
the nasopharynx lies above which structure?
posterior nares
the nasopharynx lies behind which structure?
pharyngealbranch of the pterygopalatineganglion
innervation of the nasopharynx
pharyngeal tonsils (adenoid)
a median mass of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue situated in the roof and posterior wall of the nasopharynx
truncated pyramid
shape resembling the adenoid
orientation of the adenoid median cleft
nasal septum
apex of the adenoid
junction of the roof and posterior wall of the nasopharynx
base of the adenoid
extends from below the soft palate to the upper border of the epiglottis
oropharyngeal isthmus
the oropharynx opens the mouth through which structure?
soft palate
is a mobile flap from the posterior border of the hardpalate sloping down and back between the oral and nasal parts of the pharynx
an air passage, a sphincter and an organ of phonation; extends from the tongue to the trachea
3rd and 6th cervical vertebrae
position of the larynx at rest (adult males)
females and children
the larynx is situated higher in?
bone attached to the larynx
ligaments and fibrous membranes
the larynx is formed by a series of cartilages interconnected by which structures?
a leaf like plate of elastic fibrocartilage which projects obliquely upwards behind the tongue and hyoid body and in the front of the laryngeal inlet
the hyoid bone moves upwards and forwards; bent posteriorly as a result of passivepressure from the base of the tongue and activecontraction of the aryepiglotticmuscles
function of the epiglottis
swallowing,respiration, or phonation
the epiglottis is not essential for:
head and neck
what do the cranial nerves innervate?
(CN I) contributes in the sense of smell; carries information from the nasal epithelium to the brain
(CN II) transforms information about vision to the brain; supplies information to the retina in the form of ganglion cells
(CN III) its functions include superiorly uplifting the eyelid, superiorly rotating the eyeball, construction of the pupil on the exposure to light and operating several eye muscles
(CN IV) motor nerve; supplies to midbrain; performs the function of handling the eye muscles and turning the eye
(CN V) largest cranial nerve; performs many sensory functions related to the nose, eyes, tongue and teeth; divided in three branches: ophthalmic, maxillary and mandibular
(CN VI) motor nerve that supplies to the pons and performs the function of turning the eyelaterally
(CN VII) responsible for facial expressions; basically present over the brainstem
(CN VIII) providing information related to balance of head and hearing; carries vestibular and cochlear information to the brain; placed near the inner ear
(CN IX) carries sensory information from the pharynx and portion of tongue & palate; covers some portion of taste buds and salivaryglands
(CN X) mixed nerve that carries both motor and sensory functions; deals with the area of the pharynx, larynx, esophagus, trachea, bronchi, some portion of heart and palate; in sensory, it contributes in the tasting ability
spinal accessory
(CN XI) supplies information about the spinal cord, trapezius and other surrounding muscles; provides muscle movement of the shoulders and neck
(CN XII) motor nerve that deals with the muscles of the tongue
inferior alveolar nerve
a branch of V3; travels through the mandibular foramen and mandibular canal; innervates the lower teeth
mental nerve
branch of IAN; innervates the skin and mucous membranes of the lower lip, skin of the chin, and the gingiva of the lower teeth
cranium,pterygopalatine fossa, infraorbital canal, face