Song, instrumental, orchestral, spoken word, silence, natural sound, found sound, body percussion
The effect of auralsetting
mood and atmosphere, contrast and variety,structure, relationship to dance idea/theme
The sound that you hear during a dance, such as percussion.
Clothing worn by dancers in performance.
An additional item of costume, such as a pair gloves.
Dance film
Where dance and film are both integral to a work; this includes documentary, animation, dance for camera and a screen adaptation of a stage work.
Dance for camera
Where the choreographer collaborates with (or is) the film-maker; where the intension is to produce a dance work in a multi-media form that cannot be achieved in live performance.
The illumination of the performance area.
The presentation of dance in the performing space including set, furniture, props, projection and backdrop.
A portable object that is used in a dance, such as a suitcase.