
Cards (20)

  • creation
    'In the beginning, god created the heavens and the earth'
  • trinity
    Nicene creed; 'We believe in one god, the father... we believe in one Jesus christ... the only son of god... we believe in the holy spirit'
  • ascension (when Jesus went to heaven 40 days after he rose from the dead)
    'he was taken up before their very eyes'
  • eschatology
    CCC: 'We must all appear before the judgement seat of christ... whether good or bad'
  • incarnation
    'You will conceive.. he will be called the most high'
  • resurrection of Jesus

    John' I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.'
  • salvation
    'For god loved the world so much he gave his only son'
  • prayer
    The lord's Prayer: 'Our father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name'
  • funeral rite (confirms belief in the Paschal Mystery)
    ‘The Christian who dies with Christ is away from the body and at home with the Lord’
  • mass
    'This is my body given for you, do this in rememberance of me'
  • justice
    CCC' The church cannot remain on the sideline for justice'
  • pilgrimage
    Luke 'Every year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem for the Festival of the Passover'
  • 4 marks of the church

    NC 'Believe in one, holy, catholic, apostolic church'
  • magisterium
    CCC 'The task of interpreting the word of god has been entrusted to the magisterium'
  • Mary
    CCC ' The virgin Mary is the church model of faith'
  • music
    'Make melody to the lord with all your heart.'
  • painting/statues/sculptures
    CCC 'Sacred art is true and beautiful when evoking and glorifying.'
  • painting/statues/sculptures

    CCC 'A rising form of talent given by the creator... a form of practical wisdom.'
  • drama
    CCC 'Drama engages the heart.'
  • pilgrimage
    CCC 'Pilgrimages evoke our earthly journey towards heaven'