gender and crime

Cards (13)

  • women actually commit less
    Parsons - biological nature to care and take responsibility for socialising children so have less opportunity
  • women actually commit less
    Sutherland, girls are closely supervised and strictly controlled so have less inclination to be involved
  • women actually commit less
    Heidenson, women only commit crime as rational choice, theft to feed family
  • women actually commit less
    male dominated society has control over women and doesn't allow for deviance
  • women actually commit less
    work place, glass ceiling, preventing women from being promoted to top jobs less opportunity for white collar crime
  • men commit more
    sex role theory, boys are socialised differently, likely to be delinquent
  • men commit more
    Sutherland, boys are encouraged to be risk takers and have aggressive and tough behaviour so have more inclination to be involved
  • men commit more
    limited access to male role models, drawn to gang culture to be rewarded for 'masculine' traits and gain respect
  • men commit more
    workplace ability to climb to higher roles more involved with white collar
  • women only appear to commit less
    official stats, women are more likely to be cautioned rather than imprisoned
  • women only appear to commit less
    Carlen, judged on your parenting skills if you are imprisoned, good mothers are given fines or community work and bad are imprisoned
  • women only appear to commit less
    chivalry thesis, women treated with leniency in the CJS, given lighter sentences than male for same crime which effect prison rates
  • women only appear to commit less
    double deviance, contradicts chivalry thesis as women are treated harsher if they commit crime as they deviate from societies and gender expected norms