Research is recursive because it involves performing steps in a cyclical way
Research is empirical because it is based on verifiable evidence, observation, or experiences
Research is logical because it is based on sound principles and systematic procedure
Research requires higher order thinking skills. It involves interpreting data and drawing conclusions from the gathered data
Research is replicable because it can be repeated by other researchers as long as its methodology is sufficiently detailed
Research is solution-oriented because it aims to address a particular problem
Research is objective because it requires accurate recording of data through observation, interviews, experiments, and other means
Research requires sufficient sources of data
Title page information
Title of research work
First name and surname of author(s)
Name of school
Brief summary of research work to provide reader with most important information
Table of Contents
Topic outline of the research work, listing headings down to chosen level
Introduces the topic of the research work and provides context
Significance of the Study
Focuses on who will benefit from the study and states the contribution and usefulness of the research
Statement of the Problem
The problem must not be answerable by yes or no and must be arranged in the flow of the study
Scope and Delimitation
Scope is the coverage of the study, delimitation is the limitation of the study or topic
Definition of Terms
Must be arranged alphabetically and defined technically or operationally
Related Literature / Studies
Gathers data and information from books, magazines, newspapers, and latest published materials
Research Design
Appropriate research design should be specified and described
Population Sample
Describes the population of interest and the sampling of subjects used
Research Instrument
Describes the instrument and what it will measure, states qualifications of respondents
Data Gathering Procedure
Describes how the instrument will be administered
Data Processing Procedure
Describes the treatment of data
Presentation of Data
Presents the findings of the study in order of the specific problem
Analysis of Data
Analyzes the data in depth to give meaning
Interpretation of Data
Links the present findings with the previous literature
Summary of Findings
Describes the problem, research design, and the findings in paragraph form
Brief, generalized statements in answer to the general and specific problems, flexible and not necessarily one-to-one with problems and findings
Based on the findings and conclusions, may be specific or general, include suggestions for further studies, should be feasible, workable, flexible, doable, and adaptable
A statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol
Formal Definition
A one senctence explanation of the meaning of a word. Consists of three parts.
Word or phrase to be defined.
Concept to which the term belong.
Distinguish it from all others of its class.
Technical Definition
Detailed description of a term, process, phenomenon, or specialized words which belong to a particular subject.
Operational Definition
Description of something in terms of the operations (procedures, actions, or processes) by which it could be measured and observed.
Operational definition
1. Establishes the rules and procedures the researcher uses to measure the Variable
2. Provides unambiguous and consistent meaning to terms/variables that otherwise, can be interpreted in different ways
3. Makes the collection of data as well as the analysis more focused and efficient
4. Guides what type of data and information we are looking for
A subject will come before a phrase beginningwithof.
Two singular subjects connected by or, either/or, or neither/nor requires a singular verb.
The verb in either/or, or neither/nor sentence agrees with the noun or pronoun closest to it.
A general rule, use a plural verb with two or more subjects when they are connectedbyand.