Meningitis (inflammation of the meninges)
Falx cerebri (separates the 2 cerebral hemispheres)
Falx cerebelli (separates the 2 cerebellar hemispheres)
Decussation (a crossing-over of tufts of axon tracts)
Hydrocephalus (CSF blockage causing increased cranial pressure)
Habituation (our brain's ability to filter out background noise)
Diencephalon (consists of the thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus)
Brain stem (consists of the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata)
Cerebellum (has the arbor vitae ("tree of life"); one of the first parts of the brain to be affected by alcohol)
Contusion (bruising of the brain)
Concussion (temporary loss of consciousness)
Laceration (tearing in the brain)
Fluent aphasia (can still speak, but sentences are nonsensical known as "word salad"; damage to Wernicke's area)
Nonfluent aphasia (unable to speak, but can still understand their own language; damage to the Broca's area)
Reticular Activating System (RAS) (keeps you mentally alert and arouses you from sleep)