World Wide Web - also known as the web, WWW or W3 - refers to all the publicwebsites or web pages that users can access on their local computers and other devices through the internet.
Web page is a singledocument on the web using a uniqueURL
Website is a collection of multiplewebpages in which information on a related topic or another subject is linkedtogetherunder the samedomainaddress.
Major Events in the Creation of World Wide Web
march 1989
november 1990
march 1993
september 1993
october 1993
october 1994
MARCH 1989 - WWWprojectwasoriginatedandstartedbyTimothyandBarners
NOVEMBER 1990 - RevisedversionwasdevelopedbyNet Computer
MARCH 1993 - WWWwasreleasedbyselectgroupfortesting
SEPTEMBER 1993 - TheNationalCenterforSuperComputingAssociationreleasedfirstworkingversion of MarcAndersen’sMosaic for commonplatform
OCTOBER 1993 - More than 500HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) serverswere in operation
OCTOBER 1994 - Morethan1000HTTPserverswere in operation
A linkage or interconnection among networks in space led to a newterminology known as internet.
Fusion of inter connection among net works or the term internet.
A means of connecting a computer to any other computer anywhere in the world via dedicated routers and server.
When twocomputers are connectedover the Internet.
TIM BERNERS LEE – person who created the first website
VINTON CERF – father of the Internet
ROBERT KHAN - developed the computer operating protocol that enablesdifferentmachines using differentoperatinglanguages to communicatewith each other
RAY TOMLINSON - developed the concept of electronic Mail (e-mail) and who also selected the symbol @ for defining address
Individualspeople from all walks of life
Professionalspeople who uses internet for their work and profession
Businessesfirm who needs it for the operation of their business
RepublicAct No. 8792 also known as Electronic Commerce Act
Electronic Commerce Act
An actproviding for the recognition and use of electroniccommercial and non-commercialtransactions, penalties for unlawful use thereof, and other purposes
Internet related terms
Wireless Application Protocol
Wireless Application Protocol
Digital Subscriber Line
Wireless Application Protocol - technical standard for accessing information over a mobile wireless network.
Wireless Fidelity - facility allowing computers, smartphones, or other devices to connect to the Internet
Broadband - an ‘always on” and high-speed Internet connection technology
Digital Subscriber Line - It is a term used to describe a range of high-speed communications services offered over the Public Switched Telephone Network
Electronic Mail - Simply called as e-mail;
Electronic Mail - Mostpopularaspect of the internet
Electronic Mail - Enablesone to carryon a conversation in near real time;