On premise catering - When food is prepared and served at the physical location
Offpremisecatering - carer prepares food on their premise and delivers by the truck.
Numberofguestsinonpremise - guests u can have in ur event is limited mainly because of the size of the physical size of the premise.
Numberofguestinoffpremise - The catering u can have any number of guests as long as u can take care of them.
Typeofserviceinonpremise - u are at liberty of choosing extra sservices platform like dance, karaoke etc.
Typeofserviceinoffpremise - Simply shopping for news and services. Not liberty to choose much service.
Convenienceinonpremise - this is the best choice because it is safer from the weather
Convenienceinoffpremise - The convenience might be a challenge because the caters cannot come with evvvverything in the location and can be hectitc to access in a city/town.
Costofserviceinonpremise - lttle more expensive because of the variety of extra service offered to u and guests.
Costofserviceinoffpremise - little inexpensive bearing in mind that u enjoy js limited of treats. caters wont ask for much
Banquet operations - may operate as stand alone business or as a sub unit of the food and bevarages department.
Banquet salesoffice - sales objective service/strategies and determines the market budget.
Banquetservicesection - prepares the requirements for banquet section and banquet are under the operation command.
Two operating units under banquets are banquetsalesoffice and banquetservicesection.
Theatrestyle - ideal for lecture and group meetings of any size.
Classroomstyle - ideal for teaching events, resting, other meetings where participants will be writing.
Boardroomstyle - for formal meeting, the standard is using two oblong tables.
U-Shapestyle - similar to conference room style. For the participants to face each other.
Round tablestyle - for informal meetings
Hollow squarestyle - tables in square shape with chairs on outside best for events where focal point is in the center.
Preparation for the event order - document that is designed to familiarize all concern units about the deets of the events
Alcoholic - an alcohol is a volatiles colorless liquid obtained through fermentation of liquid containing sugar or starch base.
Alcoholicbeverage - a drinkable liquid containing ethyl acohol 1/2 to 95%
Beer volume is 4-20% to 11%
Table wines volume is 7% to 14%
Fortified wines volume is 16 to 20%
brandy vol is 40%
gim whiskey gum vodka vol is 40-45%
liqueurs vol is 355
wines - alcoholic bev that is produce from partial and complete fermentation
sill/naturalwine - refered to as table wine
aromatic wine - are made in the same as natural wine
fortified wines - sparkled with brandy or neural spirit
sparkling wine - considered the king of all
non-alcoholic bev - available in bars like water, juice, soda, etc.