The firstFilipinoopera is the Sandugong Panaguinip with libretto in Spanish by Pedro Paterno, a poet, novelist, musician, and governmentofficial, and wastranslatedintoTagalog by RomanReyes, and music by LadislaoBonus.
Who translated Sandugong Panaguinip into tagalog language? and who made the music
Roman Reyes and Ladislao Bonus
LaLobaNegra (TheBlackShe-Wolf) is a three-actFilipinoopera.
It is a three-act Filipino Opera which revolvesaround the assassination of SpanishGovernor-generalFernandoBustamante.
A three-actopera composed byNationalArtistFelipePadillade Leon that includes the characters of Ibarra and MariaClara.
It premieredin1957 at the FEUAuditorium.
The operaElFilibusterismo was composed by NationalArtistFelipePadilladeLeon in 1970, with libretto by AnthonyMorli. It is in threeActsandwritten in Tagalog. It was firststaged at the Culturalcenter of the Philippines.
The dance form known as ballet has been used to interpretstories of all kinds. It is a performance in which a story is told withoutwords by usingbodymovements and facialexpressions.
The lack of spokenwords or sung lyrics is more than made up for by the creativemovements and gestures of the dancers. The performance is further enhanced by colorfulcostumes, elaboratesets, visuallysuggestivemusic, and sophisticated choreography.OriginalFilipinoballets vividly present folktales and localfables.
TATLONGKUWENTO NI LOLABASYANGLolaBasyang is a balletadaptation of SeverinoReyes'folktalesMgaKuwento ni LolaBasyang. It was meant to instill and rekindle the interest of Filipinoyouth in the beauty, richness, and heritage of Philippineliterature.
2. AngMahiwagangBiyulin
3. AngPrinsipengMgaIbon
The second production, Tatlo Pang Kuwento ni Lola Basyang, included the following stories:
1. Ang Palasyong Mga Dwende
2. LabindalawangMasasayangPrinsesa
3. Anting-Anting
RAMAHARIRamaHari, translated as King Rama, is the Philippineadaptation of the IndianepicRamayanasettomusic, dance, and drama.Originallypresented on February8 to 17,1980.
It is a popular and generallylighterform of musicaldrama. It is associated with the Broadwayplays of NewYorkCity and WestEndproductions in London.
OneFilipinoartist who attainedsuperstarstatus on both London's west End and Broadway is Lea Salonga. She is best known for her portrayal of Kim in the Musical Miss Saigon.
She became the firstAsian to play the role of Epomine in the musicalLesMiserables
Philippine Musical Plays:
AndresBonifacio, Ang dakilang Anak_Pawis: The Musical Atang-DulangMayMusika
Katy! The Musical
Florante at Laura, The Musical Daragang Magayon
NoliMetangere, The Musical
ElFilibusterismo, The Musical MagsimulaKa, The Musical
Career is a profession or occupationthatrequiresspecialtraining.Healthcareers refer to the differentcareersrelated to medical and other alliedhealthprofessionals.
HealthCareerPlanPlanning for a career is an importantstage that you must take as a student. It is not an easytaskto do. There are a lot of stages to take and factors to consider.
A HealthCareerPlan is an individualaction or initiative in makingcareerchoice, in growing in chosen career or in making a careershift which involves a very importantdiscernment.
Career planning involves four important steps which include: SelfAssessment, Career Exploration, Decision Making, and Plan of Action.
This is the first step in knowing the health career that suits you. This step requires an honestevaluation of yourself. It is necessary for you to know yourself. You need to understand your capabilities and shortcomings.
Step2.CareerExploration This stage is about knowingwhere to look and what to look for. It refers to searching different careers and work environments that suit you.
Step 3. Decision Making In this step, you need to consider both current and future goals in life by narrowing down your choices.
Step 4. Plan of Action At this point, you will design your action plan or identify and organize the necessary steps to achieve your desired goals.
Medical Assistant-He performs under the direction of a physician, various routine administrative and non-technical clinical tasks in a hospital, clinic, or similar facility.
Physical Therapist- He examines, evaluates, and treats physical impairments with special exercise, application of heat and cold, and other physical modalities.
Radiographer- He is trained to position patients and take radiographs or perform other radio diagnostic procedures.
Occupational Therapist-He uses purposeful activity and intervention s to maximize the independence and health of any client who is limited to physical injury or illness, cognitive impairment etc.
Pedorthist-They are foot orthotics and orthopedics footwear experts trained in the assessment of lower limb anatomy and muscle and joint function.
Clinical Psychologist-He is concerned with the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders.
Audiologist- A trained person who identifies and rehabilitateshearingimpairments and related disorders.
Radiation Therapist- He administersradiation therapy services to patients and observespatients during treatment.
Dietician-He is concerned with the promotion of goodhealth through proper diet and with the therapeutic use of diet in the treatment of diseases.
Medical Technologist-He performsvariety of tasks on bodyfluids from simple pre-maritalbloodtest to more complextests.
Paramedic-A person trained to giveemergencymedicaltreatment or assistmedicalprofessionals.