mother-maya, father-suddhodana, mother dreamt of white elephant- told her she would give birth to a holychild. he was born in lumbini, he could already walk and talk when he was born. there was a prophecy that he would become a king or a holy man. grew up in palace, hidden from sin or suffering
quotes: life of the the buddha
'i was delicately nurtured' “And from the side of the queen her son was born and without illness.”
4 sights.
holy man, sick man, dead man, old man
he lefthispalace and his newly born son and wife and realised that to reachenlightenment he must find the answer to suffering as he knew the world was full of it. he swapped is robes for poormans clothes and cutoff his longhair.
buddha's ascetic life
he lived for 6years with ascetics (he was inspired by the holyman.) he layed in a bed of thorns, slept in dangerousforests and ate verylittle for lots of years (onegrain of rice)
turningaway from ascetism- accepted a bowl of rice from cowgirl. realised that this way of life was dangerous and wasnt the answer he needed. he found the middleway.
quotes: asctetism
'while the great being was practicing extreme austerities for 6 years to him it was like a time of intertwining the sky with knots' ' Realising the practice of such austerities was not the path to Enlightenment he went about gathering alms in villages and townships”
mara- the 4 temptations
1.used daughter to sedate him. 2. told him he could have controll of the land. 3.sent armies to attack him. 4. questioned his right to englightenment.
enlightenment quote.
'until i gain the supreme enlightenment will i give up this seat of meditation.'
3watches of the night
1.gainedknowledge of his previouslives. 2. understood the cycle of samsara and saw importance of annata 3. understood suffering and why it happens and why.
He taught his spiritual wisdom first to The five ascetics, who were his first students
He asked his followers to choose a middle way between the extremes of luxury and Asceticism
His teaching became known as the Dhamma:
1st noble truth- suffering exists.
7 types- 3 mental- sorrow+dispair, inability toavhieve desires,contact with things/ people u dislike. 4 physical-birth,death,sickness,oldage
2nd nobel truth- cause of suffering (tanha) teaching.
want or desire for things. “craving for sensualpleasures, cravingforexistence, craving for extermination”
3 poisons
1,greed, ignorance, hate (cockerel, pig,snake)
3 poisons
1,greed, ignorance, hate (cockerel, pig,snake)
3rd nobel truth and quote
is an end to suffering by letting go of cravings. "the nobel truth of the cessation of suffering... is the remainderless fading away and the cessation of that same craving”
extinction of the 3 [poisons
3 fold way
ethics (sila), meditation (samadhi)and wisdom(panna). magga is the cure for suffering.
8 fold path
right intnention, right speech, right livelihood, right speech, right mindfulness, right action, right understansing, right concentration.
teachings of the buddha- provides information about the existance of the buddha, path of training to enlightenment
3 refuges and quote
dhamma, buddha, sangha (commnity) “To the Buddha for refuge I go
To the Dhamma for refuge I go
To the Sangha for refuge I go”
dependent arising
everything that exists relies on other things to exist too, everything is intertwined and connected. it may affect how buddhists behave, for example metta. (treating others with loving kindness) and getting karma for your actions.
3 Marks of existance
Annica, dukkha, annata.
kisa goutami
went round the streets asking if poeple had lost someone in thier family and asled to give her blessings.
5 aggregates- important in theravada buddhism. - form , sensation, conciousness, perception, mental formations
chariot story
links to annata- no 'self' because of all the parts of a chariot that are essencial.
annata (so self/ soul)
always chagning (5 aggregates)
human destiny
reaching enlightenment and developing understanding of the dhamma. theravada - arhat- 8 fold path. mahayana- bodhisatva- 6 perfections.
'perfected persom' free of 3 poisons, reached nibbana, free of cycle of samsara.
reachedenglightenment but want to stay in the cycle of samsara to help others to reachenlightenment too.
quote- bodhisatva and arhat
'to go forth for the welfare of the many'
where do buddhists worship?
temples, shrines, monastries
buddhists temples (sections and symbols)
main hall- buddha rupa is found (main place people practice) shrine- dedicated to the buddha. meditation hall - meditating in a quiet space. study hall- learning, scriptures, lectures. pegoda- dome shaped, relics are found (holy decorations)
symbols of the sections of the temple (fire,air...)
main hall- earth. shrine- water. meditation hall- fire. study hall- air. pegoda- space, wisdom.
shrines include:
candle- light/ wisdom. flowers- annica (they will die) incesnse- purity of ones actions.
shrines (general )
focal point of meditation + practices. they are found in a temple, monastry or someones home. they pay respect and it reminds them of what the buddha taught.
where monks or nuns live and live very strict lifestyles.
puja is the worship- done in homes or in temples. it helps buddhists to deepen their understanding of the dhamma, come closer to the buddha and express thier gratitude towards the buddha.
types of worship.
chanting mantras texts, bowing, rituals in the home, rituals carried out in groups, reciting sacred texts, making offerings.