Ediacara fauna - a set of remarkable animal (fauna) fossils first discovered in the Ediacara Hills of Southern Australia
Who discovered the Ediacara fauna while exploring a mountain ranges north of the city of Adelaide?
Reginald Sprigg
Sprigg found fossilized imprints of what were apparently soft-bodied organisms, preserved mostly on the undersides of slabs of quartzite and sandstone. •Most were round, disc-shaped forms that Sprigg dubbed "medusoids"
These soft-bodied fossils of the first animals from the Vendian are also known as what?
Vendian biota
What were the only "fossils" found before the Vendian?
Stromatolites - formed by cyanobacteria, which are photosynthetic and are composed of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Fossil examples date back as old as 3.5 billion years.
What brought about this appearance of multicellular life in the Vendian?
Oxygen, Continental rifting
Cambrian - earliest time period in the paleozoic
The most famous fossil site of the Cambrian is the Burgess Shale of the Canadian Rocky Mountains and represents one of the most diverse and well-preserved fossil localities in the world.
Burgess Shale was discovered by who?
Charles Walcott
The fossils of the Burgess Shale are called what?
Burgess Shale Fauna
Majority of the Burgess Shale fauna are what?
What are the dominant fossils found in Burgess Shale Fauna?
The location of the Burgess fauna is indicated by a star on the continent of Laurentia (western North America).
Pikaia gracilens - regarded as the earliest known primitive chordate. It was about 40 mm in length and swam above the sea-floor.