Over the past 10 years the total crime recorded in Scotland has decreased by 13%
2022-23 total recorded crime was 289,362. This was 2,898 (1%) higher than the level recorded in 2021-22
Dundee had the highest crime rate with 849 crimes per 10,000
SouthLanarkshire had a middle crime rate with 489 crimes per 10000
OrkneyIslands had the lowest crime rate with 228 crimes per 10,000
Non-sexual crimes of violence decreased by 1%
84% of all non-sexual crimes of violence were commonassault
Sexual crimes decreased by 3%
Sexual crimes are now at the secondhighest level since 1971
Crimes of dishonesty increased by 11%
Crimes of dishonesty are at the thirdlowest level seen since 1971
Damage and reckless behaviour crimes decreased by 3%
Damage and reckless behaviour crimes are at the secondlowest level seen since 1971
In 2022-23 the clear up rate was 53.3%, down from 54.0% in 2021-22
Non-sexual crimes of violence (67.3%) and Sexual crime (53.4%) have higher clear up rates in 2022-23 than Crimes of dishonesty (31.0%) and Damage and reckless behaviour (28.8%)
Social and environmental factors
Nature - Biological factors
Being genetically pre-disposed to (likely to commit) criminal behaviour
Crime happens to people more often (or less often) depending on several factors such as age, sex, ethnicity,religion,socialclass,sexualorientation and genderidentity
Between 2014-15 & 2021-22, the number of hate crimes recorded by the police was relativelystable at around 6300 to 7000
In 2021-22, 62% of hate crimes included an aggravator for race,27% sexualorientation,8% disability, 7%religion and 3%transgenderidentity
The very selfish desire to get more and more of something, often money
If someone doesn't have the skills they need to get a job then they are unemployed, which might mean they have fewer options to make a livinglegally
Around 28% of all crimes of dishonesty are shoplifting, which suggests people could be stealing items that they cannot afford
Poverty remains a large problem in Scotland and could be argued to be a main cause of crime
45% of all arrivals in prison come from Scotland's 20% most deprived areas
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
People who experience ACEs can be more likely to commit crimes than others because they do not have an upbringing that shows them how to be a responsible citizen
Reports suggest that people with multipleACEs can be up to 20x more likely to spendtime in prison at some point in their life
Alcohol and drug misuse
Drug and alcohol misuse can lead to crime in two ways - either to fund or meet an addiction, or by committing a crime while under the influence
Around 40% of Scottish prisoners say they were drunk at the time of the offence and 45% said they were under the influence of drugs (2023)
Poor education
Poor education can lead to criminal behaviour because lack of education means limitedchoices and opportunities which may lead to poverty and criminal activity
Recent studies have found that around half of prisoners in the UK (around 57%) have a reading level below that of an average11yearold.
Hormones in our body affect our growth and brains. Men have higher levels of the hormone testosterone than women which can often make them more aggressive and prone to higherrisktaking
In 2023, the Scottish Prison Service report that 96% of all prisoners in a Scottish prison are male
TheformerSNPMPNatalieMcGarry was jailed for embezzling more than £25,000, including donations intended for a foodbank.
The social environment you are surrounded by and grow up with.
Social environmental factors
Upbringing and people around may contribute to criminal activity