Ancient Greek civilization ended (conquered by the ancient Romans)
146 BC
Birthplace of ancient Greek civilization
The Greek peninsula and neighbouring islands
People that started ancient Greek civilization
Ancient Greeks
From whom did the ancient Greeks learn their civilization
Minoans and Mycenaeans
Around 800 BC, the ancient Greeks
1. Built city-states
2. Invented writing
Ancient Greek city-states
Many independent city-states
Ruled by differentforms of government
Places separated by sea and mountains, so Greeks set up independent city-states
The ancient Greeks were made up of differenttribes. They had differentcultures
Difficult to unite and set up a unifiedgovernment -> set up separate governments
Highly centralized government was needed in Sparta to rule large population of slaves. As for Athens, more people engaged in trade and wanted morepower from the nobles. This prompted the rise of democracy -> different forms of government
Ancient Greek city-states
Several hundred city-states of different sizes
Each included a city and surrounding land
Ruled by independent governments
Relations among city-states were almost equal
Lying on the southeastern coast of the Greek peninsula
Democracy: all citizens could take part in governance; the Assemblyformed by all citizens had the highestauthority
Farming, fishing, making pottery and trading
People loved education, children sent to school at an early age