To provide a person with equal opportunities, to treat them fairly and not discriminate against their differences
To respect and recognise a persons difference and treat them in accordance to their individual needs.
9 Protected characteristics
Sexual orientation
Gender reassignment
Empowerment means providing care that supports individuals and allows them to be in control
Independence means to not rely on others and be able to make your own decisions
Inclusion means to provide everyone with equal opportunities
Respect means to have a regard for other views, wishes and feelings
Dignity means to provide care that promotes selfrespect
Are what people are entitled to and is set out by legislation.
Name 6 rights
Protection from harm and abuse
Equal and fair treatment
The right to choice allows an individual to be in control and promote their independence
The right to confidentiality allows an individual to decide what information they share and how medical professionals can use it.
The right to protection from harm and abuse ensures that safeguardingprocedures are in place and health and safety legislation is followed.
The right equal and fair treatment ensures that all service users are treated in accordance to their individual needs
The right to consultation allows an individual to be involved in their care where they can make decisions based on being fully informed.
The right to life should be respected and is protected by The Human RightsAct
Care values
Are Coreprinciples that underpin the work of health social and childcare providers. It ensures that service users receive appropriatecare, aren't discriminated against and have there diversity and rights respected.
Name 3 adult care values
Promoting equality and diversity
Promote rights and beliefs
Maintain confidentiality
Promoting equality and diversity
Accessible services
Using non discriminatory language
Follow an equalopportunitiespolicy
A range of food
A choice of activities
Promoting rights and beliefs
Communication, mobility and dietary needs met
Female staff available
Choice on hospital or home birth
Accessible areas
Range of food to meet cultural needs
A prayer room
Celebrate a range of festivals
Maintaining confidentiality
Patient information should only be shared on a needtoknow basis with practitionersdirectly involved in the patients care
Patient records should be lockedaway or be password protected to limit access
Name 8 child care values
Making welfare of child paramount
Keeping children safe and maintaining a healthy environment