Mary I

Cards (6)

  • burning of heretics
    • little opposition to mary however legislation still passed
    • protestants who refused to renounce their faith were burnt at the stake
    • 289 protestants burnt including cranmer
    • geography - south east
    • council were worried about the burnings
  • 1553 first act of repeal
    • doctrine and order returned to henry 8ths time
    • edward's changes removed
    • clergy who married had been deprived of their livings
  • heresy laws
    • restored from henry 8
    • denial of transubstantiation was deemed heretical and was punishable by death
  • 1555 second act of repeal
    • act of supremacy abolished
  • disagreement with the pope
    • mary refused to accept Pope Paul's new papal legate, Peto, as archbishop of canterbury = disagreements over supremacy
  • disagreement over land
    • land from dissolved monasteries had gone into private hands when sold
    • caused debates between pole and the councillors