Balance - The visual weight of objects, texture, colors, and space is evenly distributed on the screen.
Emphasis - An area in the design that may appear different in size, texture, shape or color to attract the viewer’s attention.
Movement – Visual elements guide the viewer’s eyes around the screen.
Pattern, Repetition, & Rhythm – These are the repeating visual element on an image or layout to create unity in the layout or image. Rhythm is achieved when visual elements create a sense of organized movement.
Proportion – Visual elements create a sense of unity where they relate well with one another.
Variety – This is use several design elements to draw a viewer’s attention.
INFOGRAPHICS – Information Graphics or Infographics are used to represent information, statistical data, or knowledge in graphical manner usually done in a creative way to attract the viewer’s attention.
Viewer – as the name implies, is a picture viewer with features
Editor – alters the appearance of single image
BatchEditor – alters the appearance of multiple image
Page – arranges several photos to create a single one
Combine – links several images together to form a bigger image
Animated GIF – allows you to create an animated GIF from several pictures
Print – readies pictures for printing
Splitter – divides a single photo into multiple parts
Screen Capture – captures the screen and saves it
ColorPicker – grabs a pixel from your screen to be used in editing
RawConverter – converts RAW images to JPEG
Rename – allows you to rename a batch of photo
PaperPrint – useful tool for own calendars, sheets, lined paper, graph papers, etc
SocialMediaPlatforms - Websites like Facebook allow you to create not only personal accounts but also pages and groups where you can share content.
BloggingPlatforms - It typically looks like a newsletter where you are given options to change the design to your liking. Though you can manipulate the design, social media platform’s popularity is still unrivaled.
ContentManagementSystem - is a computer application (sometimes online or browser-based) that allows you to publish, edit and manipulate, organize and delete web content. CMS is used in blogs, news websites, and shopping.