Act 1 Scene 1: '"Fairisfoul,foulisfair" - witches, supernatural, appearance vs reality
Act 1 Scene 2: '"braveMacbeth...withhisbrandish'dsteel/whichsmokedwithbloodyexecution/Likevalour's minioncarvedouthispassage" - Macbeth, power
Act 1 Scene 4: '"Starshide your fires; let light not see my black and deep desires" - Macbeth, power
Act 1 Scene 4: ”toofullo’thmilkofhumankindness" - Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, power, appearance vs reality, ambition
Act 1 Scene 5: ”unsexmehere...makethickmyblood…takemymilkforgall...comethicknight" - Lady Macbeth, power, ambition, appearance vs reality
Act 1 Scene 6: '"lookliketh‘innocentflowerbutbetheserpentunder’t" - Lady Macbeth, appearance vs reality
Act 1 Scene 7: '"dash'dthebrains out" - Lady Macbeth, ambition
Act 1 Scene 7: '"nospur/toprickthesidesofmyintent, butonly/vaultingambition" - Macbeth, ambition, kingship
Act 2 Scene 2: '"Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood/cleanfrommyhand?" - Macbeth'
Act 2 Scene 2: '"No... / alittlewaterclearsusofthisdeed: Howeasyisit, then!" - Lady Macbeth'
Act 2 Scene 3: '"O, horror,horror,horror!" - Macduff'
Act 2 Scene 4: '"Bytheclock,'tisday.Andyetdarknightstranglesthetravellinglamp...Afalcontoweringinprideofplace,Wasby a mousing owl hawk'd at andkill'd"'
Act 3 Scene 1: '"Ifear, thou play'st most foully for't" - Banquo'
Act 3 Scene 1: '"Uponmyheadtheyplaceda fruitless crown, and put a barren sceptre in my grip" - Macbeth'
Act 3 Scene 2: '"O,full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife!" - Macbeth'
Act 3 Scene 4: '"Nevershakethygorylocksatme" - Macbeth'
Act 3 Scene 4: '"Itwillhavebloodtheysay, bloodwillhaveblood" - Macbeth'
Act 3 Scene 65: '"security/Ismortals'chiefestenemy" - Supernatural, Appear. vs reality'
Act 4 Scene 1: '"Bytheprickingofmythumbs/ Somethingwickedthiswaycomes" - witches'
Act 4 Scene 2: '"Heloves us not" - witches'
Act 4 Scene 2: '"noble,wise, judicious" - Macduff'
Act 4 Scene 3: '"Notinthelegionsofhorridhellcancomeadevilmoredamn'd/inevilstotopMacbeth" - Macduff'
Act 4 Scene 3: '"Bleed,bleed,poorcountry" - Macduff'
Act 5 Scene 1: '"Here'sthesmellofthebloodstill:alltheperfumesofArabiawillnotsweetenthislittlehand.Oh, oh, oh!" - Lady Macbeth'
Act 5 Scene 6: '"Harbingersofbloodanddeath" - Macduff'
Act 5 Scene 8: '"Untimely ripp'd from his mother's womb" - Macduff'
Act5 Scene 8: '"Hellhound...tyrant...usurper... Dead butcherandhisfiend-likequeen" - Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Macduff, Malcolm'
Act 5 Scene 9: '"Hail,KingofScotland" - Macduff, Malcolm'