Cards (19)

  • How did the church control ideas about causes?
    - the church taught and believed that God made people ill as punishment
    - most of what ordinary people learned was from the church because it set up and ran universities where physicians were trained.
    - unlike most, monks and preists were literate so they had lots of influence over books that were written and read.
  • What were religious treatments of disease?
    - praying
    - fasting
    - pilgrimages
    - paying for a special mass to take place
  • What were religious preventions of disease?
    - lucky charms
    - living a strict Christian life
    - incantations
  • What were the rational explanations of disease?
    1) 4 humours developed by Galen
    illness = unbalanced humours.

    2) Miasma
    Bad air= spreading disease
    Church agreed because they believed that bad air = sin
  • How did physicians diagnose illness?
    - checking urine
  • What were the rational treatments for disease?
    - theory of opposites
    - purging and blood letting
    - laxatives
  • What were the rational preventions?
    - cleaning air
    - bathing and washing
    - not overeating
    - exercising
  • Why did the church accept the theory of opposites?
    - Galen believed that God made the body and soul, so this aligned with the Churches ideas.
  • Who treated the sick in the medieval period?
    - apothecaries
    - barber surgeons
    - hospitals
    - care in the home
    - physicians
  • What did apothecaries do?
    - received training but no medical qualifications
    - mixed medicines and ointments based on their own knowledge or directions of a physician
    - they cost money but less than a physician
  • What did barber surgeons do?
    - no training
    - carried out blood letting, pulling teeth and lancing boils. They also cut hair
    - basic surgeries like amputations
    - cost less than physicians
  • What were hospitals like?
    - travellers and pilgrims often stayed in hospitals during their journeys
    - many were ran by the church so the emphasis was on God and healing
    - usually infectious people were not admitted
    - some hospitals were built for specific infectious diseases.
  • How were most people cared for at home?
    - female family member
    - village 'wise woman' would also tend to people in their homes
  • What did physicians do?
    - medically trained and unis
    - diagnosed illnesses and gave treatments- referred people to apothecaries or barber surgeons
    - expensive so used mainly by the wealthy
    - they checked urine and consulted charts
    - sometimes treated patients themselves but usually referred
  • When was the Black Death?
  • Common beliefs of the cause of the Black Death?
    - God sending as punishment
    - miasma
    - four humours
    - outsiders- strangers or witches caused disease.
  • What were the symptoms of the Black Death?
    - fever and chills
    - vomiting
    - swollen nymph nodes turning into buboes
  • How did people try and prevent the Black Death?
    - praying and fasting
    - smelling bad smells hoping to overcome the disease
    - lighting fires or letting birds fly around to clear the air
    - not letting unknown people into villages
    - carrying herbs and spices to avoid breathing in bad air
  • How was the Black Death treated?
    - praying and holding lucky charms
    - cutting open buboes to drain the pus
    - eating cool things to counteract fevers etc (theory of opposites)