Substances in which 2 or more elements are chemically combined
Types of strong chemical bonds
Ionic bonding
Particles are oppositely charged ions
Occurs in compounds formed from metals combined with non-metals
Covalent bonding
Particles are atoms which share pairs of electrons
Occurs in most non-metallic elements and in compounds of non-metals
Metallic bonding
Particles are atoms which share delocalised electrons
Occurs in metallic elements and alloys
Formation of ionic bond
1. Metal atoms lose electrons to become positively charged ions
2. Non-metal atoms gain electrons to become negatively charged ions
An atom that has lost or gained electron(s)
Ions produced by
Metals in Groups 1 and 2
Non-metals in Groups 6 and 7
Ions produced gain full outer shell of electrons, so they have the same electronic structure as a noble gas (Group 0 element)
Representation of ionic bond formation
Dot and cross diagram (e.g. for NaCl)
Ionic compounds
A giant structure of ions held together by strong electrostatic forces of attraction between oppositely charged ions
Ionic compounds
Since the structure is in 3D, the forces act in every direction
An example is sodium chloride (NaCl) with Na+ (small blue particles) and Cl- (larger green ones)
Covalent bonding
When atoms share one or more pairs of electrons
Large covalently bonded molecules
Giant covalent structures (macromolecules)
Consist of many atoms covalently bonded in a lattice structure
Examples of giant covalent structures
Silicon dioxide
Melting and freezing
Take place at the melting point
Diagrams to show these substances could be dot and cross, shown as repeat units for polymers using a single line to represent a single bond, ball and stick and two- and three-dimensional diagrams
Boiling and condensing
Take place at the boiling point
Metallic bonding
The bonding in a metal consists of positive ions (atoms that have lost electron(s)) and delocalised electrons arranged in a regular pattern
States of matter
Metallic bonding
The delocalised electron system consists of the electrons 'lost from the atoms to form positive ions
Delocalised electrons are free to move through the structure
The delocalised electrons are shared through the structure so metallic bonds are strong
Particle theory
Can help to explain melting, boiling, freezing and condensing
The amount of energy needed to change state depends on the strength of the forces between the particles
The nature of the particles involved depends on the type of bonding and the structure of the substance
The stronger the forces between the particles the higher the melting point and boiling point
Limitations of the simple particle model include that there are no forces, all particles are represented as spheres, and the spheres are solid
Aqueous (aq)
State of matter shown in chemical equations for aqueous solutions
They have weak intermolecular forces between the molecules
Ionic compounds
Have regular structures (giant ionic lattices)
Have strong electrostatic forces of attraction in all directions between oppositely charged ions
Boiling or melting point
Breaks the intermolecular forces, not the covalent bonds
Ionic compounds
Have high melting and boiling points
Require a lot of energy to break the many strong bonds
The size of the molecules increases
The intermolecular forces increase
The size of the molecules increases
The melting and boiling points increase
Ionic compounds
Conduct electricity when melted or dissolved in water because the ions are free to move and carry current
Can't conduct electricity when solid because the ions are fixed in place
Substances that consist of small molecules
They don't conduct electricity because small molecules do not have an overall electric charge
Have very large molecules
Substances that consist of small molecules
Are usually gases or liquids
Have low boiling and melting points
Giant Covalent Structures
Substances that consist of giant covalent structures are solids with very high melting points
Atoms in polymer molecules
Linked to other atoms by strong covalent bonds
Intermolecular forces between polymer molecules
Relatively strong
Polymer substances
Solids at room temperature
Giant Covalent Structures
All of the atoms in these structures are linked to other atoms by strong covalent bonds
These bonds must be overcome to melt or boil these substances