
Cards (6)

  • Locke:
    -Opponent of absolutism: the idea of an absolute monarch or government with complete unchecked power
    -Social contract theory: state is developed voluntarily; people create the government therefore the government serves the people
    -Limited government
    -People to be voluntarily part of the state- it's not forced upon them
    -If the government fails or misuses their power they have broken the contract and the people can take their power away by electing a new more suitable government
  • Wollstonecraft:
    -State must provide formal equality- women to have same legal and political rights as men and have their civil liberties protected by law
    -Social contract theory: state is developed voluntarily; people create the government therefore the government serves the people
  • Wollstonecraft:
    -If the government fails or misuses their power they have broken the contract and the people can take their power away by electing a new more suitable government
    -Opponent of absolutism: the idea of an absolute monarch or government with complete unchecked power
    -People to be voluntarily part of the state- it's not forced upon them
  • Stuart Mill:
    -Harm principle: government should only be able to restrict actions that cause harm to others
    -Limited government
    -Government should have a role in providing for the most vulnerable to a degree to help them flourish
    -Later in life altered his view on limited government: some state intervention necessary to prevent the poor from suffering injustice, like implementing inheritance tax to prevent monopolisation; still limited government intervention
  • Rawls:
    -Primary role of the state to protect individual rights and liberties
    -State to secure equality of opportunity
    -State to guarantee equal basic liberties, like freedom of speech, religion and assembly
    -State to reduce inequalities and ensure that everyone has fair social and economic opportunities
    -Limited government intervention
  • Friedan:
    -Importance placed on the state protecting women's rights
    -State to secure equality of opportunity
    -State to reduce inequalities and ensure that everyone has fair social and economic opportunities
    -State to provide social welfare and support, particularly to the poor and women
    -State to protect women's autonomy over abortion