around 500 people killed and 12,000injured - 800,000 people affected
220,000homes,4500school,53ports,56hospitals and other publicbuildingsdestroyed
port of Talcahuanao and SanTiagoairports badly damaged
much of chile lostpower,watersupplies and communications
cos of the earthquake estimated USD$30billion
SECONDARYEFFECTS - (tsunamis, landslides and fires)
1500km of roadsdamaged mainly bylandslides - remotecommunitiescutoff for manydays.
severalcoastaltownsdevastated by tsunamiwaves
several pacificcountriesstruck by tsunami - warningspreventedloss of life
a fire at a chemicalplant near Santiago - the areahad to be evacuated
Emergencyservices were deployedquickly.Search and rescue teams were sentout to search for and helpsurvivors and emergency field hospitals were set up to help the injured
power and water was restored to 90% of homes within 10 days
USD$60million raised in relieffunds after a national appeal, which went towards reconstruction and emergency aid.
within 24hours, temporaryrepairs were made to the route5nouth-southhighway. this reconnected the captain to other areas and allowedresponseteams to travel to more remotecommunities
internationalaidgroups also set up emergencyresponseunits for healthcare and emergencysupplydistribution
Temporary shelters were set up for homeless. Chilean government immediately distributed5000temporaryshelters, and a further 30,000temporaryemergencyshelters were built after fundraising
chile set up a nationalhousingreconstruction plan onemonthafter,pledging USD$2.5billion in housingsubsidies for 196,000householdsaffected
thousands of houses and buildings were deemedunsafe to stay standing, and had to be demolished
foreignaid was notheavilyrelied upon as chile had the fundsavaliable for reconstruction and recovery. The frequency of earthquakes in chile meant the country was prepared for the disaster
the president announced that fullrecovery could take 4years, especially to fullyreconstructbuildings and ports