
Cards (25)

  • Government
    A system to manage and balance the different needs, goals and interests of a country's population
  • Purpose of government
    • Protect the rights of citizens
    • Promote the common good
    • Make decisions that are best for the country as a whole
    • Benefit as many people as possible
  • Functions of government
    • Maintaining defence and national security
    • Raising revenue, budgeting and managing finances
    • Maintaining law and order
    • Foreign affairs
    • Providing support for agriculture and business through subsidies and financial assistance, and creating conditions for economic prosperity
  • Government revenue
    Raised from direct and indirect taxes, sale of state-owned resources, and government bonds
  • The government decides where all this money should be spent
  • Main types of government
    • Monarchy
    • Democracy
    • Dictatorship
  • Monarchy
    One individual is the monarch or ruler, rule is usually inherited and passed on within a family
  • Absolute monarchy
    The ruler has total power and is not controlled by laws or a constitution
  • Constitutional monarchy
    Decisions are made by members of the government within a constitution
  • Democracy
    The people decide how they are going to be governed, most common form is representative democracy where people vote for representatives
  • Political party

    A group of people who have similar ideas about what is best for a country and how it should be run
  • Republic
    The people elect their representatives and there is an elected or nominated president instead of a monarch
  • Dictatorship
    One person or group has the power to do whatever they choose, often take and keep control by use of force, people have very little freedom
  • In a national election, each person gets a vote
  • Head of state
    The highest public representative of the country
  • Head of state
    • In some cases has a mainly ceremonial role but not much power
    • Represents the country but does not make or control policies
  • Heads of state
    • Meet to discuss issues at a high level, as at this Afro-Arab summit held in Kuwait in 2013
  • Head of government
    The person who has the highest position of authority in a government and runs the country
  • Head of government
    • In some cases the head of state is also the head of the government
    • In a presidential republic, the president is head of state and head of government
    • In a parliamentary republic, the president is head of state but another person is the head of government
    • In a constitutional monarchy, the monarch is head of state but the Prime Minister or Premier is head of government
  • Government ministers
    • A person who holds an important position within a government, and can make government policies and put these into practice
    • Ministers are usually given responsibility for a specific ministry such as education, energy or justice
  • Cabinet
    • The ministers in the different ministries can form a Council of Ministers which is sometimes called the cabinet
    • A cabinet is often a body that makes policies and decisions
    • The power of the cabinet varies in different countries
  • Countries and states join together to create a single state, such as the United Kingdom
  • Some states join together in a federation to create a single country, such as India
    • The federal or central government makes policies and decisions on behalf of all the states
    • Each state also has some authority to manage its own internal affairs
  • Different branches of government
    • Legislative Branch has the power to make laws
    • Executive Branch has the power to enforce the laws
    • Judiciary Branch decides on the fairness of laws and settles any disagreements about the laws