lang change

Cards (41)

  • What is an emoji
    A small image used to express an idea or emotion in digital communication.
    controlled by Unicode
  • Advantages of emojis

    easy to use
    flexible meanings dependent on context
    anyone can propose an emoji
  • Disadvantages of emojis
    can't display everything
    different devices show different images
    no universal meanings
  • McCulloh and Gwane
    emojis are a gesture, not a language. they need lexical context and they have no syntax
  • Functional theory- Halliday
    language changes to meet the needs of its user. language creates meaning
  • David Crystal Summary

    language is like the tide, language has no direction
    language is influenced by factors much as age, gender, religion
    LC is unconscious
    LC affects 1% of language
  • Aichinson's 3 metaphors
    Crumbling Castle
    Infectious Disease
    Damp Spoon
  • Crumbling Castle
    View holds that English language is like a beautiful stately home that should be preserved
  • Infectious Disease
    The English Language is being polluted and becoming infected by language change.
  • Damp spoon
    language changes because people are lazy
  • Causes of Language Change- Romaine
    Internal Factors- factors within the language. eg: GVS
  • External Factors
    factors outside the language eg: technology
  • Academic Françoise
    Organization that maintains the French language to prevent LC. This allows them to read text from hundreds of years ago with ease
  • The Great Vowel Shift
    phonological shift that took place over 300 years. 1400-1700. pronunciation of long vowels became shortened.
  • Examples of the GVS
    beet - boot
    moat - meat
    bait - boat
  • Standardisation
    the widely agreed form of the English Language which addresses SPAG. Dictionary keeps track of this
  • Steps of Standardisation
    1. in 1476, Caxton developed the printing press. It was done in Kent, establishing the East Midland dialect as the norm.
    2. in 1755, Samuel Johnson wrote a dictionary over 8 years. he realised he couldn't control language as its subjective.
  • Louths book
    Robert Louth published a book- 'A short intro to English Grammar', but it wasn't mass used because not everyone had an education
    1476- Caxton's printing press
    1755- Johnson's published dictionary
    1879- Oxford dictionary began
    1922- BCC was born and used standardised English when live
    1980- National Curriculum introduced- all students taught standardised English
  • History Of Language Change
    Pre 1st century
    Celtic tribes related to welsh, Scottish and Irish
    Used the ogham alphabet
  • Century 1-5- Romans
    Romans invade the celts
    They bring over Latin lexemes such as Wine and curriculum but most words are lost
  • Century 5-8- Anglo Saxons and Jutes
    Arrive from north Germany
    Write in Runes
    Language was Old English
    We lost inflections
  • Century 8-11- Vikings
    Bring old Norse mixed with Old English
    They occupied most of England leading to inter marriages and mix of the languages
    Brought many aggressive words such as axe and anger
  • Century 11-14- Norman French

    French invasion in 1066
    The Black Death (1347-1350) killed millions of people so people spread out to find new jobs and safe spaces
    In 1362 English became the official language of the law
  • Century 18-19
    English became more standardised due to increased education
    Lexus expanded globally to America
    James Murray completes new English dictionary which took 5 years
  • Substratum Theory
    Language changes through having contact with other languages.
  • Louths 5 wrong grammar rules
    1. No initial coordinators. Eg: But, Because
    2. Passive voice should be used carefully. BY ZOMBIES
    3. Difference between less and fewer
    4. Never end a sentence in a proposition
    5. Never split an infinitive
  • Clipping
    shortening words to become the norm
  • Acronym
    abbreviation of word/phrase
  • Initialism
    Acronyms that can't be pronounced
  • Pejoration
    negative meaning over time
  • Amelioration
    positive meaning over time
  • Swift (1712)

    main concerns were a dislike of: vagueness in language; shortened words; unnecessary contractions; unnecessary polysyllabic words; words 'invented by some pretty fellow
  • Inkhorn Controversy
    Describes the ornate French terms used as they literally took up ink
  • Samuel Daniel
    Spoke of English as the 'treasure of our tongue
  • Thomas Nashe
    Sees the English Language as a disgrace due to mono syllabic legend which reduce the richness of the language
  • Influence of French
    Result of intermarriages and the production of bilingual children in its English and French families due to the French invasion
  • Influence of Latin
    Latin words were incorporated as levels of trade and exploration increased. Less of a bad reputation due to its religious connections
  • S-curve
    a curve that depicts growth; shape of an "S. can plot PIDC on it
  • Aichinsons PIDC model