ethnicity and crime

Cards (21)

  • Criminalisation
    Process where individuals an actions are turned into criminals, implying a process of labelling is occuring
  • Policing
    Controversy between police and minority ethnic groups
  • Official statisticsshow

    ethnic groups more likely to be convicted and arrested than white
  • Official Stats critique
    They don't show the full picture
    show unfair police and judge bias
    Not reliable
  • Official stats
    Black population make a much higher proportion of those stopped searched, arrested, convicted and sent to prison
    More than 2x as likely to be arrested
    3x more likely to be sent to prison
    Asian more likely to be stopped and searched than white
  • Self Report studies
    rely on honesty of respondents but give a indication of the dark figure
  • Self Report Studies Research 2005
    10,000 respondents collecting 20 core offences
    White had highest rates of offending for more serious categories
    Robbery only category where blacks higher
    Data suggests bias
  • Victimisation Study
    done by public and asked if they've been victims of crime in the last 12 months
  • Philips and Bowling
    Higher risk of victimisation the result of high proportion of minority ethnic groups living in cities - rates are higher here
  • Risk of being a victim - Black vs White
    7.2% vs 5%
  • MacPherson Report
    Defined as institutionalised racism and the inability to carry out an appropriate and professional service because of skin colour
  • Canteen Culture
    Police have distinctive working values, strong collective identity as a result of pressure, isolation and hostility they face
  • Sentencing and Imprisonment - white

    White more likely to be sent to trial
    White more likely to be sent to prison for actual bodily harm
  • Sentencing and Imprisonment - black

    Black and asian more likely to be given immediate custodial sentence
    Black given longer sentences for burglary
    Blacks overrepresented in prison
  • Neo marxists see

    Black as a social construct
  • if theres racist bias in whats reported

    there will be racist bias is whats prosecuted
  • why are ethnic minorities unlikely to report crime
    ethnic minorities don't see police as on their side
  • Hall et al

    moral panic over black muggers - used as scapegoats to hide the real problem of unemployment
    this was media driven and served the interests of capitalism
  • marginalisation of black youth

    through employment leaving them to rely on petty crime to survive
  • Neighborhood factors

    street robbery was highest in these very poor areas where there was contact with rich
  • Getting caught
    easy to be identified as it was likely they were excluded from school or associated with known criminals