Research Methods Key Concepts

Cards (23)

  • Validity
    How truthful and in-depth data is
  • Reliability
    Whether data can be replicated to achieve the same result
  • Quantitative
    Data which is numerical
  • Qualitative
    Data which is descriptive and word-based
  • Positivism
    A methodological approach which favours scientific methods
  • Interpretivism
    A methodological approach which favours qualitative methods
  • Social fact
    A statement about society which is objectively true, generalisable across society and impacts on individuals. Durkheim tried to establish "social facts".
  • Primary data
    Data which is collected by the sociologist first-hand
  • Secondary data
    Data which already exists and is analysed by sociologists
  • Social desirability effect
    When participants answer questions or act in a way which society would deem as "good" or acceptable
  • Sample attrition
    The number of participants who drop out of a study
  • Interviewer bias
    The impact of an interviewer's opinions, beliefs and values on the interview process and the way participants answer
  • Interview schedule
    The list of questions prepared for a structured interview
  • Rapport
    A trusting relationship between researcher and participant
  • Operationalise
    Making a concept measurable
  • Sampling frame
    A list of names of potential participants
  • Survey population
    The total cohort the researcher wishes to investigate
  • Representative
    When data can be generalised to the whole survey population. When a sample reflects the characteristics of the survey population.
  • Subjective
    When a piece of research is influenced by bias, values, beliefs and experiences
  • Objective
    When a piece of research remains free from bias
  • Malestream
    A Feminist critique of Sociology for being done by men, about men and for men while ignoring women as sociologists and subjects for research
  • Hawthorne effect
    When people change their behaviour because they know they are being watched
  • Verstehen
    When the researcher can empathise with the participant