Medical Conditions

Cards (6)

  • Trench fever

    cause: body lice
    symptoms: flu-like
    solutions Delousing stations
  • Trench foot

    cause: standing in water or mud for long periods of time
    symptoms: swelling of feet and gangrene
    solutions: whale oil, keeping feet dry, amputation if gangrene had set in
  • PTSD
    cause: psychological damage from war environment
    symptoms: tiredness, nightmares, mental breakdowns, headaches and loss of speech
    solutions: Treated in Britain yet the condition was not understood so soldiers were often sent back to battle
  • Gas gangrene

    cause: open wounds being infected by bacteria from the soil
    symptoms: dead tissue and a build-up of gas in the wound
    solutions: Amputation of the infected areas was the only way to stop the infection from spreading
  • Gas injuries

    cause: chlorine, phosgene or mustard gas
    symptoms: Burning skin, internal and external blisters, daeth by suffocation and psychological impacts
    solutions: gas masks
  • Shrapnel and bullet injuries

    cause: Being hit by bullets or shrapnel from rifles or explosions (58% of wounds were caused by shrapnel and 39% were caused by bullets)
    symptoms: metal would penetrate body taking along dirt and the soldier's uniform
    solutions: steel Brodie helmets introduced in 1915