Credibility - Idea of schemas supported by studies
Loftus study - showed clips of carcrashes and gave a questionnaire, only one critical question with an intense verb about speed but others less intense verbs
Also tested if there was any broken glass in the film which was falsely recalled
Concluded eye witnesses are unreliable as influenced byleading questions - changememories by incorporating new information
Usestandardised procedures - objective and reliable
Objections - Bartlett study not scientific
Lacked somescientificelements as it didn't have strictcontrolovervariables as didn't havescientific procedures when getting to reproduce the story
Sample size wassmall so not representative of entire population affecting reliability of findings
Getting students to reproduceNative American ghost stories lacksecological validity - doesn't represent how memory works in everyday life situations
However claimed had to be weird to level and sharpendetails
Differences - Links to Tulving about semantic memory
Tulving - memory has semantic stores wherewe keep ourunderstanding of relationship and rules which is similarto schemas
Schemasmeaningful patterns of information which differ fromperson to person - they are separatesemantic stores
If Tulvingideas true makesreconstructive memory plausible
If reconstructivememory true then semantic memory has more influence overepisodic memory as schemasinfluencehow we construct our memories