Cards (5)

  • Turn thee, benvolio, look upon they death
    Immediately, we can tell that Tybalt is eager and ready to fight at whatever chance he gets.
  • Peace? i hate the word. As i hate hate, all montagues
    Tybalt values his family’s honor, and he sees violence as the primary way to uphold it. Also, the comparison of hell to the montague family show how intense his hatred is. The audience at the time would have been mostly christian, so this comparison would have been particularly shocking
  • Now, by the stock and honour of my kin, / To strike him dead, I hold it not a sin

    Again, he values honor and power.
  • Fetch me my rapier, boy"

    Tybalts first instinct upon seeing romeo at the party is to turn and fight him. This is further proof of his rash and fast acting personality.
  • 'I will withdraw, but this intrusion, Now seeming sweet shall convert to bitter gall.'
    Foreshadows the fight between mercutio, tybalt and later romeo. Tybaly promises that he will get his revenge for the montagues turning up at the capulate ball.