= obtain all names of target population, assign a number to each name, pick number from computer.
considered representative as every person has same chance of being picked.
free from researcher bias, can generalise to target population
can be time consuming
= every 3rd person on list is chosen, the interval is determined randomly to reduce bias.
+ avoids researcher bias, no influence over who is chosen, representative.
-can be unlucky and get a lack of representation
=sample that reflects all the sub-groups within target population.- first work out all possible sub-groups eg: gender, age. Then randomly select a proportion of each stratum.
+ avoids researcher bias, representative sample.
= researcher will select anyone who is willing and available at the time.
+ convenient, saves time, effort, money.
-open to bias: unrepresentative, researcher has complete control over selection and can be biased in choosing participants.
= self-selection, people volunteer to take part.
+ easy to obtain, less time consuming
-asking for volunteers can produce biased sample, usually selects a certain 'profile' of person. eg: helpful, keen, curious.