All living things are composed of cells (or cell products)
The cell is the smallest unit of life
Cells only arise from pre-existing cells
Specialist cellsβ¨
RED BLOOD CELL: large surface area for O2 to pass through, contains haemoglobin + no nucleus
STRIATED MUSCLE CELL: multiple nuclei, longer and larger than typical cell
Striated Muscle fibresβ¨
Muscle cells fuse to form fibres that may be very long (>300mm) π‘ͺ may have multiple nuclei despite being surrounded by a single, continuous plasma membrane π‘ͺ challenges the idea that cells always function as autonomous units
Aseptate fungal hyphaeβ¨
May have filamentous structures called hyphae, separated into cells by internal walls called septa π‘ͺ some fungi aren't portioned by septa + have continuous cytoplasm along the length of hyphae
Giant Algaeβ¨
Certain species of unicellular algae may grow to very large sizes π‘ͺ challenges the idea that larger organisms are always made of many microscopic cells
Functions of lifeβ¨
METABOLISM: undertake essential chemical reactions
REPRODUCTION: produce offspring, sexually or asexually
SENSITIVITY: responsive to internal and external stimuli
HOMEOSTASIS: maintain a stable internal environment
EXCRETION: exhibit the removal of waste products
NUTRITION: exchange materials + gases with the environment
GROWTH: move and change shape or size.
Metabolism: food particles are enclosed within small vacuoles that contain enzymes for digestion
Reproduction: Divide asexually (fission) although horizontal gene transfer can occur via conjugation
Sensitivity: Paramecia are surrounded by small hairs called cilia which allow it to move
Homeostasis: Essential gases enter (e.g. O2) and exit (e.g. CO2) the cell via diffusion
Excretion: Solid wastes are removed via an anal pore, while liquid wastes are pumped out via contractile vacoules
Nutrition: Paramecia engulf food via a specialised membranous feeding groove called a cytostome
Metabolism: Chlorophyll pigments allow organic molecules to be produced via photosynthesis
Reproduction: Daughter cells form as non-motile autospores via the internal asexual division of the parent cell
Sensitivity: Scenedesmus may exist as unicells or form colonies for protection
Excretion/nutrition: Scenedesmus exchange gases and other essential materials via diffusion
It consists of a group of structurally andfunctionallysimilar cells and theirintercellular material.
A collection of tissues thatstructurallyform a functional unit specialized to perform aparticular function e.g. heart, liver
Multicellular organismβ¨
Composed of more than one cell, with groups of cells differentiating to take on specialized functions.
Specialist cellsβ¨
Specialist cells have a specific role to perform. Each specialised cell has a different job to do. They have special features that allow them to do these jobs.
The formation of a specialist cell from a stem cell. This action is controlled by genes that are switched on in the nucleus.
Stem cellsβ¨
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells. They undergo something called differentiation where certain genes are switched on in a pluripotent cell (stem cell). The stem cell then changes into a specialist cell. The process is irreversible and only happens in multicellular organisms.
Uses of stem cells
Ligament reconstruction
Spinal injuries
Stargardt's disease is a disease of the eye. It causes recessive genetic mutation causing photoreceptor cells to malfunction. Stem cells are injected into the retina. Cells attach to the retina and become functional.
Leukaemia is a type of cancer of the blood or bone marrow. Patients undergo chemotherapy and radiotherapy to get rid of diseased cells then stem cells (take from bone marrow or umbilical cord, patient or donor) are transplanted into marrow.
Embryonic stem cellsβ¨
Almost unlimited growth potential
Differentiate into any type in the body
Less chance of genetic damage
Are risk of becoming tumour cells
Likely to be genetically different to the patient
Removal of cells from embryo kills it, ethical dilemma
Umbilical cord stem cells
Easily obtained and stored
The umbilical cord is discarded regardless
Commercial collection and storage are available
Limited capacity to differentiate
Limited quantity of stem cells from one umbilical cord
Adult stem cellsβ¨
Fully compatible with the adult's tissue, no rejection problems
Removal of stem cells does not kill the adult
Less chance of malignant tumours
Difficult to obtain
Less growth potential
Limited capacity to differentiate into different cells
Eukaryotic cellsβ¨
These types of cells contain a large, obvious nucleus. They include cells of plants, animals, fungi, and protist (e.g. algae. The surrounding cytoplasm contains many different membranous organelles.
Animal Cellβ¨
A type of eukaryotic cell that lacks a cell wall and has a true, membrane-bound nucleus along with other cellular organelles.
Plant Cellβ¨
Plant cells are eukaryotic cells with a true nucleus along with specialized structures called organelles that carry out certain specific functions.
Prokaryotic cellsβ¨
These cells contain no true nucleus and their cytoplasm does not have the organelles of eukaryotes. They are bacterial cells.
Binary fissionβ¨
1. Cell elongates + DNA is replicated
2. Cell wall + membrane begin to divide
3. Cross-wall forms completely around the divided DNA
4. Cells separate
Magnification is the ability to make small objects seem larger.
The ability to tell that two objects that are very close together are distinct objects rather than just one. The amount of detail that can be seen.
Light microscopeβ¨
Light passes through the specimen from below. Regions that are denser in the specimen let less light pass through, thus creating the image.
Scanning electron microscopeβ¨
A beam of electrons is directed to the specimen. Electrons bounce off the surface of the specimen creating a 3D image on the computer screen. This must be done in a vacuum (no living specimens)
Transmission electron microscopeβ¨
A beam of electrons is sent to a thin specimen. The electrons pass through the specimen creating an image of inside the cell on the computer screen. This must be done in a vacuum (no living specimens)
Phospholipid is a molecule with two fatty acid tails. It has a hydrophobic end and hydrophilic end.
Phospholipid bilayerβ¨
When mixed with water the tails on the phospholipids repel from the water as they are more attracted to each other, but the heads are attracted to the water. This forms two layers of phospholipids this is called a phospholipid bilayer.
Role of cholesterolβ¨
Cholesterol is amphipathic (attracted to both polar and non-polar molecules). This means that it can interact with both the polar phosphate heads and the non-polar fatty acid tails. It acts as a buffer of membrane fluidity, so that the fluidity is always at a good level for the cells.
Davson and Danielliβ¨
1935: A model whereby two layers of protein flanked a central phospholipid bilayer. Dark segments seen under EM were wrongly identified as two protein layers. Proved wrong with fluorescent antibody tagging and freeze etching.
Singer and Nicolsonβ¨
1972: Purposed proteins were embedded within the liquid bilayer rather than sperate layers. Known as the fluid-mosaic model, remains the preferred model today.
Functions of membrane proteins
Junctions β Serve to connect and join two cells together
Enzymes β Fixing to membranes localises metabolic pathways
Transport β Responsible for facilitated diffusion and active transport
Recognition β May function as markers for cellular identification
Anchorage β Attachment points for cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix
Transduction β Function as receptors for peptide hormones
Structure of membrane proteins
Non-polar amino acids associate directly with the lipid bilayer
Polar amino acids are located internally and face aqueous solutions.
Movement of particles from higher to lower concentration through the phospholipid bilayer. Movement is passive (i.e. no direct energy needed).
The diffusion of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane, from lower to higher solute concentration. Movement is passive.