Macduff'slaments, personifying the nation to underscore his profoundemotionalbond but alsoreflects the pervasivesense of loss and despair that permeatesScotland.
Macduff's sorrowBecomesemblematic of the collectivegrieffelt by the nation, further highlighting the immense political upheaval and chaos that has befallenScotland's due to Macbethstyranny and violence.
Recurrentmotif of "bleed" HighlightsMacduff'sdespair about Scotland'sprogressivedemise Effectively encapsulatingMacbeth'smisanthropicdisposition
Macduff's patriotismEmphasisesMacbeth'sruthlessindifference to dismantlingScotland but also Serves as a compellingjuxtaposition to the inherentnobilityexpected of a rightfulking