employers will not be laible for the actions of independent contractors -UKSC
testing employment status
whether a a person was providing; a contract of service - he or she would be an employee or contract for services - he or she would be an independent contractor.
vicarious liability
where a third party has legal responsibility for the unlawful actions of another
lister v hesley hall limited
created the salmond test - an employment will be liable if the acts happening the course of employment).
Salmond test
an employer will be held liable for either a wrongful act they have authorised
yewens v Noakes
the control test states whether the employer has the right to control what the employee did
preforming rights society v mitchell + broker
concerns the nature/degree of control
short v JW henderson
control test -power to select workers right to suspend + dismiss/ discretion of payment
mersey docks v coggins + griffiths
if worker and equiptment is hired out - the employer is liable, but if it is the other way around the worker is liable.
hawley v laminar leisure
because the employer exercised so much control over the bouncer, the club was vicariously liable for his actions
intergration test
stevenson + harrison v Macdonald - established the test
cox v ministry of justice
the courts decided that the tests for employment status were too narrow
ready mixed concrete v minister of pensions
this case developed requirements to set out a broadened reality of employment
the requirements for the multiple test
employee agrees to provide work/skill in turn for a wage, employee impliedly accepts that the work will subject to the control of the employer, the contract is consistent of one between an employer and employee.