Culture: longest flat race course in Europe, liquorice
Shopping: Junction 32
Education: New College Pontefract
Physical geography (Endogenous)
Sandstone: liquorice roots grow well in sandy soils.
Siltstone: from the River Aire, fertile for agriculture.
Coal reserves: mining industry.
Economy (Endogenous)
Historically mainly primary and secondary, now mostly tertiary (retail).
Flows of resources (Exogenous)
Liquorice is now farmed in the middle east, coal no longer mined here.
Flows of people (Exogenous)
Pontefract has good transport links and cheap housing so is used as a commuter settlement. However, many people move out to get higher paying jobs.
Flows of ideas (Exogenous)
Some evidence of multiculturalism from Polish shops etc. but 95% is White British.
Flows of money/investment (Exogenous)
TNC Haribo bought Dunhills who produced liquorice, they also invested in the Pontefract and Castleford area building factories there. In 2021 Haribo invested £22 million.
Quantitative Data
23% have no qualifications vs 18% nat average
95% White British
44% in very good health vs 49% nat avergae
4.5% unemployed
Qualitative Data
Poem the Liquorice Fields at Pontefract "sweetest smells"
"delicious aroma of sweets" - Trip Advisor
When the Lights go out, most violent poltergeist in Europe (negative)